Phone Calls

Sebastian was the reincarnation of William.

For whatever reasons - convoluted reasons - the fates have thought of, I was reincarnated into this new world where everything seemed better on the surface. The recent assault against me by a drunk guy taught me that much.

Behind the wonderful things that improved in this time and place, people had still been the same as they were back in the 1600s. They were cruel and despicable; they didn't care much for the feelings of the innocent.

They attack without reason and all because they see the opportunity so irresistible. The trauma that that guy gave me slowly became anger and I couldn't help but feel satisfied by how he ended up bashed by the boys.

Speaking of another kind of bash… my eyes took a sideways glance at the driver.

Bash had his eyes on the road. He was carefully maneuvering the truck in these wide lanes, overtaking slower cars with extreme dexterity. I thought for a minute that he would continue with what he was about to say a while ago but apparently, he just stopped.

What was he thinking? It made me so curious that I swear if I could open his head and read through his mind like pages in a book, I would definitely do such that.

I wouldn't hesitate.


He was driving at top speed of what was allowed. I still don't know how the car was repaired or what was wrong with it. More so, I was even more curious about this Nico who sent people to check the car out.

Who was he and how did he have such people at his disposal? He wasn't in Los Angeles but he could whip out men to do the job he needed to be done. Was he some kind of really rich personality who has connections everywhere?

I sat there in the front seat wondering who he was when suddenly, a tune played and Bash whipped out his phone from his pockets.

"Hello, I'm driving right now so I'll put you on speaker." He spoke to the handheld device.

He swiftly tapped at the screen and put the phone on the dashboard. After a few seconds, I could hear someone's voice speak. Lo and behold, it was the person I was so curious about just a few moments ago.

"Hey Baaaaaash! Nico here wazzup man? How's the truck, all fixed up and running I see? You driving and all that sheyt." The voice spoke. It was kind of had a static to it but I could point out the cool and quirky tone of the guy behind it.

"Nico mah man! Damn your money works magic I can't even tell you how fast those guys found the cause of my dilemma…" Bash droned off something about engines and gas and heat and all the technical jargons only car enthusiasts could have known.

Or maybe someone who calls their truck 'baby girl'.

He was obsessed with everything about this car of him. William used to like everything about learning. He loved books and reading and all the wonders he could get from just one hardbound.

"So, here's the deal Nico," Bash continued, "I am driving at top speed towards Coachella Valley but I highly doubt it would be best to go directly to the site at this time of the night."

"Uh-huh dang, it is bruv. What's your plan now?" Nico asked. I thought I heard some giggles through Bash's speaker but then it went off suddenly. Perhaps those were just my imagination.

Those electric pulses I released at the casino did me crazy.

"I was hoping you could let us crash in your place there man. You know, we could use the time as well to practice some songs. I have some few new verses written down, I'll let you see them when we get there. Two hours tops." Bash said.

The road was now all clear; the number of vehicles we passed by were not as much as it was when we started to get out of the city. The lights were slowly dimming too. Establishments weren't as prolific as it was in the center.

"Well, dayumn bruv come on in as fast as you can! I'll even throw you some crazy party and all haha!" Nico laughed. "You want some pretty gals or some pretty hoes, some booze can get you hooked and rocking the night up real fast. I can get one, both, I can get them all too!"

My eyes widened at the mention of girls and - what was that word again? Booze and hooked plus some rocking? This Nico is talking in some foreign language. I looked at Bash's expression and he didn't even flinch with what Nico offered him.

"Just the booze man. I don't have the mood for some gals tonight. Already had enough headache with one." He said.

Was he actually pertaining to me? I am infuriated. My brows furrowed further downwards and I wished my stares could be daggers. I scowled at him but all my expressions were left unnoticed.

"Ahh the lady-killer strikes again! Pew pew!" Nico jested at the other end, then continued, "Speaking of headaches, I heard from Vivi that Zeke punched you because of Becky or something… how's that pretty face of yours holding up and is Zeke still in your truck?"

Bash's grip on the wheel tightened and I could sense his temper suddenly changed. "Zeke is an idiot who can't take a joke. Can you even imagine both of them kissing all over the place whereas my baby girl was not even feeling well?"


"Duuuude, you fuckers gotta chill big time. Good thing I'm your friend. Bring your sorry asses in her A - S - A - P and we'll sort your little skirmish out in no time."

The phone beeped and I guess that was the end of their conversation. Bash changed lanes and did an overtake suddenly and the motion rocked me towards him. That was when I realized I hadn't even worn the seatbelt.

Great, Elizabeth Ainsworth, you just had to really knock yourself towards the man.

I scrambled to set myself straight and gingerly grabbed for the seat belt and clicked it on when I heard Bash say,

"Lizzie, would you like to hear me out?"