Ascend to the 30th Floor

"Where should we park now?" asked Levi from behind.

Just as we drove through the entrance of the building, a uniformed boy waved for us to stop. He was wearing a clean maroon jacket and pants and had a crisp, white collared shirt underneath the jacket.

He looked pretty neat except for the fact that his bow tie was askew.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Do you have a reservation?" he asked us in a courteous yet tired manner.

"Ahh yes. Do you have any guest under the name of Nicholas Ashford? We are with him." Bash informed the young man.

Bash's wristwatch was in view as he leaned outside to talk to the boy and I could see the time. It read well past quarter to eleven in the evening. No wonder he had a slurry tone to his voice.

"For a moment sir, please stay in your vehicle and I will call reception." He whipped out a small device which gave static sounds before he clicked and spoke. "Hello, Lydia? Do we have a guest named Nicholas Ashford who is expecting company?"

As we waited for a reply, I scanned the outside of the building and noted the flashing of colors. If I guess right, the display were electronically manipulated to display a series of flashing colors and figures.

But no matter how perky the lights were, the boy's eyes drooped as he waited for a reply.

The device made more static noises and then it clicked. Another tired voice spoke and this time it was of a woman, "Yes, Eddy. We have one Nicholas Ashford who phoned lobby to accept any guest who would want to join his party at the 30th floor. He didn't give specific names but he sure as hell paid a whole lot of money to allow this many."

The voice sighed and if I knew better, I think she had rubbed her temples too.

"We have at least sixty-nine guests already that went up in just the short span of half an hour. He phoned again afterwards that anyone who comes in a shiny black truck and are looking for him should be welcomed too."

The device clicked and Eddy turned to inspect the truck and said, "We have valet parking, sir. You may leave your keys with me and bring your bags into the lobby. The receptionist will be there to receive you and guide you to Mr. Ashford's floor."

He offered his hand for Bash to give him the keys to the truck but he just shook his head and told the boy, "Help us unload our equipment and lead the others into the building. I will drive the truck, just tell me where I can park it."

He still won't give up his baby girl even for convenience, huh?

"Noted sir." The attendant boy said.

He kind of looked like he actually enjoyed the idea of not being bothered with parking someone else's car and just acquiesced with Bash's preference.

The girls and boys at the back slowly unloaded our bags and equipment and I jumped out of the front seat to help them. Levi and Zeke pulled and heaved big luggage after luggage and the girls slung their own bags.

The camping gears were all that was left and Bash drove off to where the attendant instructed him to park.

About two other men came and helped us carry our baggage into the receiving area and a chirpy young lady welcomed us with a big smile plastered to her tiny heart-shaped face.

"Welcome Madams, Sirs, to the Palm Springs Star Hotel and Club. I am Donna. You may leave your heavy items to our attendants and bring only your necessities. If you would follow me, I will guide you with your stay here at our humble hotel."

"Dude, handle these with care, alright? These are valuable music equipment." Zeke told one of the attendants who approached with what looked like a small wheeled platform he pushed with a metal handle.

The other attendant loaded our items on the wheeled platform silently, disregarding any formalities and just wanted to end his shift as fas as he could.

"We always handle our valued guests' items with care, dear sir. You can rest that these would be taken good care of." The taller guy said with a quick bow.

"Ladies, gentlemen. If you would follow me then?" the woman cleared her throat and waved her right hand towards the side.

I followed the direction her open palm pointed at and I saw the most beautiful and intricately designed elevator of their hotel.

"Mr. Ashford had specifically instructed for us to bring you all to the club when he called." Donna noted as we had ridden the elevator upwards.

I felt like my soul would leave me.

I grabbed on to the handles at the sides of the elevator and the others looked at me with raised brows like I was an oddball. Becky leaned and whispered into my ear, "Your face is so pale. This isn't your first, are you okay?"

I didn't dare to let go like my life depended on it and I just nodded at Becky to say I was alright - even if I'm not. The others were just standing or tapping away with their phone with little interest.

After a very long ascend, we had now arrived at the 30th floor where Nico rented. The elevator dinged and opened slowly and I chewed my nails off just to escape from the metal contraption.

When the door finally was opened wide enough, I had basically scrambled out of the metal box and into a pristine clear floor, devoid of much guests. Ahh right, it was almost midnight when we arrived at Indio.

Curse these futuristic devices and my colonial experiences.

"Walk straight into room number six one one two. You won't miss it; they are the loudest one's tonight." Donna bid us farewell.

The elevator dinged and Donna descended back to the main lobby.

The sound of music ringed in the whole level. Zeke and Levi walked past the other rooms and went directly to where the loud bangs came from. I was the last one to move when the elevator dinged again.

I turned around and Sebastian came out of the second elevator beside the one we had rode and our eyes met for an instant. He had already parked the truck and was carrying one big luggage I have no idea what it contains.

Levi knocked on the door where the loud music blared and a tall ash blonde man with a slight tan came out.

"VIVI! ZEKE!" he squealed like a child who just received his christmas gift. "And the lovely ladies hello I don't think I know some of you gals. Heya Ali and Becky!"

He had worn a polo and some shorts and loafers. His right hand had a can of beer and he greeted the girls one by one with an exaggerated bow.

He came up to me and his gray eyes were so mesmerizing. Something tugged at the back of my mind and I couldn't help but wonder if I had met him already or not.

"Well hello to you, have we met before?" He gently grabbed my hand to plant a kiss on my knuckles and I felt my cheeks turn warm.