Smooth Moves

"What do you think? It's pretty cool right?"

Nico had started to play host for us and had drinks and food brought to the table. There was a vast array of foods to choose from but the drinks were a bit foreign for me. They looked and smelled a bit dangerous too.

"Lizzie, try this one, Balik Salmon paired with a nice glass of Cold in Shadows." Levi offered. It was a tall glass had a nice pinkish-red tone to the liquid and lots of ice. On top, there were bits of dried fruits and a fresh sprig of mint.

I took a sip of it and noted a smokey, cinnamon taste to the drink. A slight peaty note and what is this - a hint of sweetened cocoa? After a few seconds, my tongue wanted something to balance the ramble of tastes and I popped into my mouth the fish slice and it felt divine.

"Mmmm…" I mumbled as I popped in another one.

I thought I would get intoxicated quite fast since I didn't particularly drink back in the old days in Shalem since we couldn't afford it anyway. But apparently, this body of mine in the present time is quite well adjusted to alcoholic drinks that I actually kind of enjoyed it.

Nico was beside me and had exchanged his can of beer for what he called a 'Sneaky Pete'. It was a fairly orange drink with a slice of citrus and rosemary in a short bell-shaped glass. In front of him, he had a saucy pan of shrimps with bread to pair.

Becky and Suzy indulged themselves to tall wine glasses of sangria. Slices of tuna pizza were in front of them and they certainly loved it by the way they kept on grabbing for seconds. Ali was cool and sipped on some yellow drink.

Zeke helped himself to a bite of burger while Levi's lips smacked with the taste of cold beer. The club was a bit dark even with the lights but I could see the look of satisfaction as everyone drank and ate.

"Did you guys not eat on the way?" Nico asked as he picked and swirled a piece of shrimp in its sauce.

"Bash was mental. After we found Lizzie in the middle of being dragged by a bum drunkard, he was driving nonstop to get here." Zeke noted. "We made do with some energy bars while we were on the road."

Nico's face became serious and he blinked twice before turning his head to look at me. "Is it true? Are you alright?"

The playful boy that I saw back at the hallway had now been wiped clean from Nico's face and I could see a genuine look of concern in him. It was really weird but I could feel my guard and apprehension slowly disappear.

"They were right on time. The man was scared to death he wet himself when Levi grabbed and shook him like a ragdoll." I answered.

"Nah, I didn't do much really." Levi said as he grabbed for some chips. "Just as Zeke said, Bash was mental. He punched and kicked the man even when he was down and curled in the pavement."

"I have never seen Bash that angry before." Zeke mused.

Nico scoffed and laughed. "Dude speaking of Bash being angry, I was so shocked you actually punched him over a small misunderstanding."

Zeke and Becky flinched at Nico's remarks and Becky actually bowed her head a bit as if she was embarrassed by it. Zeke though, his arms swung around the back of Becky, just shrugged and told Nico,

"Yeah, that was a dick move for me I suppose. I did apologize but, not entirely sorry."

Wow, he really stands up on his defense for Becky being called useless by Bash.

"Oh, speak of the devil. Here he comes, with and entourage of doozy women." Nico smirked.

Just right on time, Bash came up to the table and heaved a sigh of frustration. He was clearly distressed with the way he flopped onto the edge of the sofa right beside Levi.

"Damn it!" was all he could say and then grabbed Levi's beer and chugged it all in one go.

"Hey!" Levi protested but he couldn't do anything about it anymore and just groaned and ordered for another.

Some of the girls that followed Bash came up to our side and asked Nico for some favors.

"Hey Nico, can you guys play just one song? Pretty please?" a girl whispered and pleaded with dolly eyes. She had her hands on Nico's shoulder and with an expert move, slid it down to his chest like a seductress.

"Bash said he would only play if you guys went with him onstage." Another added with a slight squeeze of the man's biceps.

Nico's eyes were not paying attention to the girls. He turned to me and asked, "You have heard the band play right, Lizzie?"

He removed their hand away from him with a pinky finger raised as if they were something dirty that soiled his shirt.

The women acted offended but still waited for Nico's reply. Apparently, they really wanted to see Bash onstage and play for them.

I blinked and stared at the party boy for a very long time. He was patient enough to repeat the question, a bit louder this time as the music that played had turned up in volume.

This time he leaned closer to my ear he asked, "Do you want to hear the band play?"

I turned to look at Bash and could see his brows furrowed at the women who attempted to make conversation with him. Perhaps if I told Nico to play for me…

I smiled at the idea and told Nico I'd love to hear them play.

He beamed a set of pearly white teeth and sipped on his drink before proposing to Zeke and Levi if they could play one song for the crowd. Bash's face was incomprehensible as he groaned and protested.

Zeke and Levi, were well into the idea that they agreed with Nico and started to get up from their seat.

"Come on guys, really?" Bash grumbled.

"You did say we could practice a few verses of a song you wrote. Lead us maestro~" Nico nudged him with his knee. "The beautiful lady wants to hear us perform. I want to indulge her as a gentleman host."

Bash's eyes averted from Nico's and finally landed with me.

Just like back in the truck, I picked up the courage to stare back at him to challenge his glares with mine. Obviously, he couldn't bear it for more than a few seconds and stood up abruptly to sucker-punch Nico playfully.

"Just this once." He told him and opened his luggage to bring out a shiny guitar.


A/N: Lizzie is starting to step-up her game of revenge.. small tiny inconveniences for bash as payback, one at a time.. hope you guys like this chapter.. the drinks are solely of pure research so if i made some weird descriptions pls let me know coz this author ain't good with her alcohol and just sticks to juices most of the times nyahahaha