Crazy Witch and Quirky Deity

"Your magic is more than just electric shocks dearie. Anything you put your mind into, you can make it happen to a certain level."

Juno was beside me and she pointed on to the sinks at the front. Her long rounded nails were a clear pink tone, like it was glossed.

"Try concentrating on that faucet, open it without moving an inch." She instructed.

I blinked a couple of times before the command she gave sank into my brain.

Did she just say I should open one without moving where I am right now at the door?

"Yes, sweetie I hear your thoughts and all your doubts loud and clear." She rolled her eyes and all I could see now were whiter planes like a ghost. "Now don't hesitate. When your heart wavers, the magic does not flow well."

I furrowed my brows and threw the last piece of my sanity into the trash bin. I followed Juno's pointed finger and tried to concentrate. It was hard, I have to admit.

Does glaring at the nozzle automatically make it spout water?

I glared at it more and I heard Juno sigh. As I turned my head in irritation with her, I saw that she had her arms crossed while she squatted with her legs crossed.

"You know dear, it won't work if you go crazy glares at it. Relax and feel the magic." She closed her eyes then raised her hands with her middle and thumbs pinched in the air.

I leaned on the door feeling annoyed and stood up, "You know this isn't working at all. Why did you give me powers in the first place? This would just make me more like a witch when I'm not."

"Hmmm…" she hummed. "Good question dear, what did we think when we gifted you a bit of magic? You obviously lack the will to resist William's charm in this lifetime. How more to control magic, right?"

Her words hit me like a bullet to the heart. It was difficult to not be drawn to Will's reincarnation.

He seemed to be a lot different, but at the same time there was a sense of familiarity to him.

"The sacrifice made will all go to vain, sweet love." She said as she opened one white eye to look at me.

My breathing hitched and I was struggling to find the right words to retort. But nothing came to mind at all and so I just asked her what intrigued me the most for quite some time now.

"What sacrifice is this you are talking about and who sacrificed what?" I said as I grabbed the doorknob. Somebody just knocked and tried to get in by twisting the silver knob of the ladies' restroom.

Juno lazily swayed her body in a circular motion, and crazily pointed her fingers like some some rock star.

"That my dear, is not for me to divulge." She smiled and slowly stood up to meet me eye to eye. "Honey, in life there are just some things that you must discover yourself. If I told you right here, right now, you will lose everything you believe in and your drive for revenge. I don't want that to happen."

Juno's black tainted lips curved into a smile and she walked into the nearest sink to touch the knob and then slowly turn it open. The sound of water gushing out into the sink echoed inside the restroom and she looked at me, her other hand to her hips.

She turned the knob once more to close the faucet and only the sound of droplets remained.

"Feel the magic inside you, love. Command it as if your thoughts are an extension of your very hands. Imagine what it would feel like to touch this faucet and turn it open. The feel of the handle, the sound it makes."

I closed my eyes as I tried to concentrate.

"Try to imagine yourself doing it, but inside of your head only. Feel the magic beneath your skin, from the depths of your stomach, in your blood."

I tried to remember the feeling I had back when the cans of beer burst on our first camp night, and then back in the casino. There was a slight tingle under my skin that made the tiny hairs of my arms stand up.

"You were accused to be a witch when you were nothing but a woman in love. This time, you can prove them you can be that witch if they want to, but you are not someone they can pull down easily."

A prickly sensation washed all over my body and I imagined what I would do and how I would open the faucet to wash my hands.

I opened my eyes and softly whispered, "Open."

The faucet where Juno was suddenly turned and a gush of water flowed hard, almost filling the basin of the sink. I pointed a finger at the other faucets and one by one, all of the faucets had now opened and water flowed.

There was a loud bang behind me and I realized I might have locked myself inside the restroom for too long.

"Now close the faucets dear. We don't want precious water to go to waste now." Juno said as she sat on top of the counter.

I directed my gaze on all of the faucets and commanded them to close with a wave of my hand.

"How about try to unlock that doorknob dearie? Perhaps you should let other people in now that you are in control."

"And what would I tell them when they ask?" I said.

Juno laughed at me and replied with a more serious tone, "Sweet love, you don't need to say anything. Just open the door and get out of here."

There were voices that shouted outside now, asking, probing, who it was inside to open up or they will have to bust the door down.


"Hey open up! Our bladder ain't going to hold up much longer bitch!"

I concentrated at the doorknob and envisioned myself turning the lock. A sound of metal clicked and the door flew open. A woman stumbled forward as the door opened unexpectedly.

I excused myself from the restroom with a bunch of drunk girls looking at me crazy.

"Get out of the hell you were forced into, and go back to your little circle. Find out what went wrong with them in this lifetime. They might look like they are fine now, but nothing is always as it seems in the surface."

Juno walked away into the crowd and her fishtail braid of navy blue swayed with her quirky gait. Her voice resounded in my head even as she had now blended within the dancing crowd.

"The same applies to you sweetheart. Your anger is a strong motivation for your revenge. But know before you act, perhaps your anger is directed at the wrong person, I will leave it up to you to find out."