
"But waiting in the camper van would be really boring." Nico slumped on the couch, flinging his arms over the backrest and looking up into the ceiling. The guy was acting like a little boy himself, and not to mention he was actually the oldest amongst the group.

I turned to Becky and saw her hesitate.

"You guys can go on and have fun somewhere, I can keep my sister company here." I told Nico.

Nico's ears perked and he quickly returned to a better sitting position.

"Really now? But won't you sisters want to come along? It would be really neat to go and have fun with you guys."

"Oh, I for sure will definitely join you." Suzy said. "You would be going too, right Levi?"

Levi ruffled his mid length hair and then replied, "I could come along just to pass some time. I can smoke more freely outside too, instead of being cooped up here."