
"Don't even think about trying to escape, Elizabeth Jennings. Take a look around," Bash waved his hand, "this part of Coachella Valley has lost its power. It would be a pain in the ass if we get separated."

He held me closer and my brows scrunched together in annoyance.

"You don't need to imprison me in your arms like this anymore." I insisted. "I'm not a baby, I'm an adult 21 year old!"

"What do you mean your 21? You are barely legal at 17."

Shoot… I forgot I was actually younger now.

"17 ain't an adult yet. Don't push it, Lizzie." He retorted.

Just in time that he finished his sentence, I heard his phone click and the voice of Levi boomed.

"Bash, dude, where are you? You and Lizzie got out safe?" he asked, his concern reaching out from the phone's speaker.

"We are fine, Vivi. We are just outside the tent, to the right of the entrance."

"Alright, stay put. We will be there." Levi responded.