Ferris Wheel

My legs couldn't make a dash for it anymore. Bash was right in front of me, equally winded as I had been from running around. He was barefoot as well, and he only had a thin shirt on and a pair of shorts.

The wind blew hard and we both shivered with the summer night's coldness.

"What… the fuck, Lizzie?" Bash wheezed in between gasps.

I willed for my body to turn around, and Bash noticed as his hands shot out to grab me by the wrist.

This time around, his grip was solid and no matter how much I struggled or hit his arm, he didn't let me go.

"For fuck's sake, woman. You run like your life depended on it." He commented.

"Was that a compliment or were you thinking I was crazy?" I retorted.

Bash held up his finger to signal me that he just needed another moment to catch up on his breath before he would reply to me.