It's a Date!

| UNEDITED | please don't unlock yet. needs some rechecking coz its quite a mess haha

"Hey, Lizzie, are you fine there?" Bash called out to me. Maybe I had been cooped up inside the bath for too long for his comfort. The chatterbox needed someone to speak to.

"Just about to get done." I replied.

The healing spell didn't totally remove the pain from my ankle, but it did help alleviate the soreness to a tolerable level. I could stand up again without limping, and currently I am in the final touches of my make-up.

God, this thing takes so much time to master.

"How do women live with these much products on their faces?" I grumbled.

I had put on the basics, and was on my way to put the trickiest part of what I attempted to make out of my face – the eyeshadow.

I don't know if I am doing it right, but all I knew was that I have done quite better than what I initially expected.