There's a Head Between My Legs?!

Pietro's rainbow lashes fluttered as he looked at me with much interest. It was like he was amused by the way I had watched over Missy Cath and Bash. Did I really seem like I was jealous? I merely was just trying to choose whether I should push her with my mind!

"Don't start assuming things, Pietro. Its not nice to accuse me of such a thing as jealousy when Bash and I aren't even anything," I scoffed.

Pietro's finely shaped brow arched and his lips puckered as he said, "Hmm… if you say so. What was your name again, hun?"

I contemplated on giving him a wrong name, but thought it didn't matter if he knew my real name or not. He will definitely still try to dig things about me.

I knew the face of a meddlesome curios mouse, and that face was Pietro's.

He won't stop with just one question, and neither would he stop if I don't answer him back. There was neither a better way to escape since he had already added me in his radar.