Stage Acting

I had held on to that letter William sent me like it was my most precious possession. I had been so touched by the letter back then that I cried in silence as I missed him so much. His warm embrace, the soft forehead kisses, his reassuring touch. I missed William on that winter day.

It was then that I had made my decision to give him something that he could hold on to the same way I held on to the love letter he sent me. With a candle in one hand and the letter in the other, I got out of our bed and tiptoed towards the trunk at the other end of the room.

I put the light down where it won't be on my way, and then slowly opened the heavy lid of the trunk. It had contained a few items that was my pastime when there was nothing else to do. I grabbed for my tin box, and there I buried the letter underneath other junks.