Sneaky (2)

There was a long pregnant pause before Becky raised a question which was also the problem I had in mind as of the moment. "What are we going to do now?" she whispered. Right… what are we supposed to do now? I don't exactly have the answer.

But even though I was not sure what we should do, I still smiled at Becky and said, "I'll handle it."

I was throwing reassurance at my sister when I wasn't actually sure myself. How stupid had I been to think we could actually pull this off.

Suddenly, even when I don't want to admit it, I wished Suzy was around. She was more confident in herself more than anyone in the group.

I looked around us, and noticed that one of the lights around the connected tents were zapping on and off. It was then that an idea struck me. What if I bust those light bulbs and let the girls make a dash for the boy's room?