Summer Hails

Katarina's reincarnation nodded vigorously, and then went on to hug her father as she said, "Thank you, papa! I'll make it up to you with my next album release, I promise." She beamed with glee as she heard Mr. Bernards will do everything for her.

My fists were shaking with anger, and the florescent bulbs that hung above their heads burst into hundreds of shattered pieces. The bulbs on Missy Cath's vanity table burst simultaneously as well.

It was too late when I realized I had released a series of electric shockwaves and all the lights inside their room short circuited.

"Ah!" Missy Cath screamed as the bits and pieces of the florescent fell down on her, "What the heck is wrong with this year's Coachella? Why is there a tremor again? This isn't normal any longer!"