To Love Is To Hurt

After so long, an opportunity has shown up for me to fulfill my personal mission of seeking justice. This was going to be my chance for revenge – to expose and bring down Missy Cath and her precious Papa Bernards.

Their lies won't be hidden in the dark for too long.

The smile on my face didn't leave me for a very long time. It was beyond doubt satisfying to render Missy Cath speechless. She knows deep within herself that what she had blabbered about in the interview were all lies, and it would only take Bash's denial to discredit her.

It seems now that I have won the first round with Katarina's reincarnation.

I wonder what she would do next.

Would she do another underhanded trick and spiel more lies to cover up the previous ones? How far is she willing to go for her to get Bash to herself? The more I knew Missy Cath, the more I could tell that she was undeniably Katarina's reincarnation.