One Thing After Another

"I am tired of all this bickering and hiding," Ali said as she held a finger up in the air, "Let's just drop the bomb on them, shall we, Lizzie?" The punk princess turned to look at me and raised a blonde brow as if to ask my opinion when she actually went ahead before I could even stop her.

"What are you doing Ali?" I angrily whispered as I reached out to grab her hand.

I knew that even if I would have been able to cover her finger, the light that it accumulated from the camper van's bulbs. Ali held her hand away, and my body almost crashed on her small frame if she hadn't stopped me with her other hand.

"W-What the heck is that?" Becky's quivering voice said.

"We are witches, and we can do magic, Becky," Ali said with a blank and tired face, "Your sister had actually put your parents under a confusion spell last week if you didn't know. We can also try to do the same with scandal boy, but that would prove to be a gamble."