Spreading Fake News

Missy Cath walked back to the center stage with a broad smile on her face. I could tell that she has that mask on right now that she shows only when she needs to. Performing, acting, modeling, framing up innocent people to burn just so she could get what she wants – that smile was plastered on her face.

"What are you trying to do, Lizzie?" Ali asked beside me.

She must have sensed that I was trying to do something out of our initial plans. Her brows shot up with curiosity, but I could also notice that there was a bit of worry in it too. Ali knew how I turned wild when I read of that article back then when she followed me.

"Don't worry, ice punk princess," I winked at her. "This won't be anything that could drastically change what we had planned beforehand."

"Did you just call me an ice punk princess?" she chuckled.

"Ali, you seemingly don't get cold even at night with just a tank top on," I added, "You are an ice punk princess to me."