
However, it seemed like there was something that was impeding his vision, and so Mephis swooped down and went from boat to boat trying to figure out which boat he was in. He couldn't tell who was who from where he was.

As if compelled by the drumming of his dead heart, the daemon hopped and hopped, startling the ones who weren't his target. He was already at his ends, slowly loosing his mind over the fact that he was manipulated into doing the bidding of some halfling.

It was pathetic.

How could he have been so stupid to have let his guard down like that with a girl like Red? She wasn't that exceptional. The Darkling had just taken a liking to her because she reminds him of the late Faey Queen Tiana. How odd it was.

Mephis got lost into his own internal rumblings that he almost had touched the river. A burning and static sensation shot up his whole body, and the daemon lifted himself higher to avoid any further damage to himself.