
The words that were strung together to create a beautiful piece of music were words that used to have been for me. Missy Cath started their performance with a love song, so it seems. People who were previously hyped, had now turned mellow as they listened to the melody of the song.

Bash was looking at the audience, and it didn't take him that long to find me and the girls in the sea of people. Somehow, I knew that he had me in his mind when he wrote that song as he smiled at me warmly.

It was weird. The first song I had heard them sing back at the hotel had been one of star-crossed lovers. He had it written where the lovers were destined to see each other in another life but are never going to be the same as before.

Why is it that Bash seems to know more than what he tells? It was as if he had memories of certain things but probably mushed up and mixed together in a way that he thinks it was his ideas and not things of the past.