10 YEARS LATER..... NEW YORK CITY..... 2020
Previous News acknowledgement from 2 weeks ago: "Good day New York City, Richard Garfield here from The Multi-Uni News Station. Today we are just acknowledging what our mighty hero, Everest. 5 years ago, a hero rose up to fight for this city. The deadly warriors have troubled us for 8 years. In 2015, Everest came and defeated the deadly warriors. The streets of New York were safe for 3 years. In 2018, the deadly warriors rose again and took over New York City. Everest was there to stop them. The citizens of New York can say that Everest has been a huge help and we are here to thank Everest for everything he has done for us and we hope you don't stop. Whoever you are, we are here to say thank you for protecting us!"
News Reporter: "Good Morning to you all, This is Ida Warren reporting live outside Mayor Oscar's office which was attacked by the deadly warriors again. Luckily this time, our hero who we all know as Everest managed to capture several of them! But Thousands of deadly warriors are still out there, destroying our city every night. Where did these deadly warriors come from? Not even the NYPD are brave enough to try and stop them and the people of New York City are still asking the same question, Is it safe for us to walk the streets of New York City? That's all we had for you on the New York City News Updates"
Everest was at the top of a building, where he used to operate from. Everest never took off his suit unless he was bathing. The world never knew Everest's real identity. He was ever searching for people like him. His plan was to gather other heroes because the deadly warriors were becoming worse and worse every year!
The deadly warriors always used to work at night but this time, They attacked the city in broad daylight. All the citizens were running away. Everest flew to the deadly warriors and started stopping them. This time, the leader of the deadly warriors showed up and attacked Everest. The deadly warriors' leader is Wire-Man. Wire-Man has the ability of Wires, anything metal and even electricity. He electrocuted Everest and tied Everest down, preparing to impale him. News cameras were set up in drones to record the fight between Everest and Wire-Man and the viewers could not believe what they were seeing. Everest was beaten up badly and everyone thought it was the end of him. Just when Wire-Man dropped the huge Wire on him, a car flew towards Wire-Man and hit him away, Everest managed to escape the wires that tied him. Another hero came flying through the city and controlled all the deadly warriors and snapped their necks. Everest flew back to his base of operations and the person who helped him followed him there. Everest stood on the building, waiting for him!
Everest: I had him! I didn't need your help
The Controller: No! I had him and it pretty much seemed like you needed my help, you would've been dead if it weren't for me
Everest: I didn't need your help and I still don't
The controller turned around preparing to leave
Everest: I'm looking for people like you! People I can trust and people I know will be here to protect New York forever
The Controller pressed a button on his chest which disabled his suit. The Controller showed Everest his real identity.
The Controller: I go by the name The Controller but my actual name is Louis Thomas
Everest: Louis?
Louis: Yes, Louis
Everest: I am Everest and what you did just there was foolish. You should never show anyone your real identity especially if you're a hero because it puts the lives of friends and family at risk
Louis: Okay! I hear you boss. But don't you think teammates should know each others real identities?
Everest: Yes teammates can know about each other but I never take of my suit so you'll never know who I am! Ever! Where the hell have you been from the time the deadly warriors showed up. Why only show up now?
Louis: I went back to my mother after getting my power and don't worry, she doesn't know about this power. When I saw on the news that you were getting your ass kicked, I stepped in to help.
Everest: Put on your suit. I still need to find at least one or two more people to join the team before we actually take further action on these deadly warriors.
The Controller: I've heard of someone back in D.C. She's a badass and calls herself The Insecticator. She's basically the Everest of D.C
Everest: Then let's head to Washington D.C. I've also heard of someone who calls himself Ace! He works alone during the night, in dark places. All we gotta do is find him.
The Controller: Sweet. Let's get to it then!
Everest: I'll go find Ace, you find this so could Insecticator!
Martha Scotts was heading to her apartment. Just when she was about to enter, she noticed her door was open when she left it closed. She quickly activated her suit and entered the apartment, searching slowly for anything or anyone. She then sensed that there was someone behind her and she turned around slowly and stood, waiting for the person to say something
The Controller: Insecticator, right?
Insecticator: That's correct
The Controller disabled his suit and showed Insecticator who he was and she did the same thing.
Louis: My name is Louis Thomas, I'm from New York City. I go by the name The Controller and my friend and I are looking for new recruits to join us in stopping the deadly warriors
Martha: Alright, Louis! The name's Martha by the way. Martha Scotts!
Louis: Nice to meet you, Martha. Let's get going. My friend will find us back at the base!
Louis went ahead with Martha. Everest on the other hand was in a fight with Ace. Ace thought Everest was one of the bad guys. Everest put Ace to the ground and stepped on his head!
Everest: I am Everest, protector of New York City! I am not the enemy. I could use you help, Ace.
Ace: My help? For what?
Everest: I'm finding people who have powers given by Nature! I am setting up a team I can trust to help me stop the deadly warriors once and for all.
Ace: Alright! F-Fine! I'll come with you!
New York...
Everest and Ace arrived at the base of operations and found The Controller and Insecticator there. Ace, Insecticator and The Controller disabled their suits but Everest still didn't.
Everest: What the hell do you all think you're doing? Why are you showing each other your identities
Martha: Because if we have to be a team, then we need to trust each other and how do you expect us to trust you when you won't trust us with your identity?
Everest: I keep this suit on because I do not want to risk the lives of others. Let me make things clear, when we work as a team, we keep our suits on but when we're not operating, you can remove them and live like normal people
Jack: So in short you're saying we should live two separate lives? One as heroes and the other as ourselves?
Everest: Exactly! I'll call for you when I need you. For now, Martha and Jack, you guys can look for an apartment to stay in. Louis, you can go back to your mother. She's probably worried sick
Louis: You're not going to your family?
Everest: My family doesn't know I'm alive. They think I'm still dead and I'll keep it that way to protect them and my family is none of your business.
Louis: Okay! We're just gonna go before you get even more moody.
10 YEARS AGO..... NEW YORK CITY.... 2010
After Jimmy threw Max, he started heading back with his crew. A huge light shone in front of them and killed all his friends. A cosmic being who referred to himself as the master of all universes appeared in front of Jimmy. Jimmy bowed to the being out of fear just so that he doesn't get killed.
Jimmy: Please, please don't hurt me. I didn't mean to kill Max and Louis. Please!
Debo: I am not here to hurt you! My name is Daniel Ell-Bo Oliver. I see how evil you are. You've killed at the age of 11.
Jimmy: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to
Debo: No need to worry kid, I am here to give you this pill and the ability of wires, electricity and anything metal!
Jimmy: Wh-Why me?
Debo: Because I trust that you will help me. You will make an army of deadly warriors with that pill and you will take over the world. When the time is right, we will take over the entire multi-verse!
Jimmy then got his super power and used the pill that he was given to make more! He injected his dead crew with the pill and they came back to life, each one of them were stronger than a hundred men combined, more powerful and unstable but most of all, Immortal! Jimmy learnt to control his power and he learnt how to fight well. For two years, Jimmy grew an army of deadly warriors that he was about to unleash all over New York City then later on, the world. He called himself Wire-Man. In 2012, He unleashed his deadly warriors and everything was working out for him. Jimmy became more evil, heartless and brutal.