What are you?

Ella was confused and worried in her own room. She tried calling her mother's number again, but it was disconnected. She was at loss for what to do. She attempted to recall her mother's last words.

'Perilous, basement, shadow?'

She simply grasped the meaning of perilous since her mother always told her to be aware of her surroundings.

'Is there a basement in our house?' she questioned herself.

She was contemplating when she heard a loud slide sound from the front door.

'I'm very sure that's not mum, she wouldn't open it that way.'

The sound of soft footsteps gets louder and louder in her ears as they get closer to her door. Her heart was beating faster and faster as the footsteps became closer and closer.

Ella dashes to the door and locks it shut. Because of what her mother had told her, she was shaking and terrified. She doesn't know what to do now that she's locked it. She began looking for a way to defend herself and snatched the lamp from the nightstand next to her bed.

Her door began to liquefy.

Ella was taken aback. Behind the melting door, she noticed a boy. He was about her height but a little taller. The boy has blonde hair. He was dressed entirely in black, with a black mask covering the upper half of his face but still could see the light blue eyes that look like the morning sky. 

A ball of light was in his palm, the light-emitting from it was bright enough for her to see the boy.

"Ella Lumino" the boy mumbled as he entered the room.

With his icy light blue eyes, the boy glanced at the girl's red eyes. 

He saw a girl shivering and holding a lamp in her hand. 

The ball of light in his grasp began to take on the shape of a blade. He took it in his hands and began walking toward the girl. He swung it towards her.

Ella positioned the lamp in front of her to protect herself against the swing of the boy's sword which was coming at her. The lamp got halved and the top half of the lamp fell down to the floor.

"Why are you doing this?" Ella screamed, a tear started to fall down from her left eye, she was enraged that she couldn't utilize her element to combat him because she hadn't yet developed an elemental core.

'Can I even win against him if I have the core?' she wondered.

The boy gave her a cold stare before moving his hand holding the sword made of light elements. 

Ella took a step back as he moved. 

Her trembling legs hit the side of her bed and she fell down near it backward. 

The boy's sword passed through her in the stomach with her fall. 

After being stabbed, the sword vanished into thin air. Leaving her stomach with a gaping hole. She could still feel the heat of the sword in the corners of her injury.

Ella used her hand to touch her stomach, which was bleeding, and then she looked at her bloodied hand. 

The boy was just staring at her as if he expected her to die.

'No, mum will be worried, I can't--'

Because of the blood loss, Ella felt disoriented, uncomfortable, and weary. Her eyes slowly close as her consciousness slips away, the last scene she sees being the light blue eyes which are staring at her.

The boy walked out of her room after confirming that there's no chance that the girl in front of him will be cured in time.

When the boy walked out of the house, he noticed two shadow elementalists battling in the garden. One had cuts all over his body, while the other was badly hurt and had blood all over his clothes.

"First, I'm done," the youngster said, his gaze fixed on the one with the cuts. 

First stopped fighting and glanced at the boy. He simply used barriers to block the shadows that are approaching him.

'It can't be' Shadow exclaimed fiercely in his mind. 

He was battling a man who called himself First. He couldn't get past the man. One thing he noticed during the fight was that the man is more used to fighting than him.

First glanced at Shadow one final time and told him, "Now that the one you're protecting is gone, if you ever felt like joining us, you're welcome."

He smiled and vanished with the blonde kid as he wrapped both of them with his shadow, the shadow pattern changed into a butterfly before melting back into the night's shadow. Both the man's and the blonde boy's presence was gone.

To get to Ella's room, Shadow rapidly used his shadow element. He was sure that she would be surprised when she saw him because she had never seen him before but what's more important than her safety? He ignored the fact that she doesn't know him and went quickly.

'Is she alright?'

Shadow, on the other hand, noticed her leaning on the bedside, blood pouring from her stomach. He approached her to see if she was still alive.

'No!' he screamed internally.

Ella's finger on her stomach moved as if she noticed Shadow's presence.

Shadow decided to use his shadow to transfer her to the nearest hospital that had a water or light elementalist. He holds her up on his shoulder gently so as not to make her injury worse.

Before he could use his shadow, he felt Ella's head move near his shoulder, a sensation of a bite could be felt following her movement, he instinctively shivered.

He glanced at the girl, unsure of what was happening. 

Her eyes were closed, but her head was on his shoulder, and her teeth were dug into his flesh, visible through his bloodstained clothing. He was taken back.

'What's she doing? Is she-- drinking my blood? But why?' he was frightened. But he quickly noticed that the hole in her stomach started to close. Ella's hair started to slowly turn white as the wound healed.

'It tastes so sweet,' Ella thought as she slowly regained her consciousness. 

She felt a ticklish feeling in her heart, it's a feeling she has never had before in her whole life. It's warm somehow. 

Her eyes slowly started to open. Blood red eyes, red like Anna's crimson feathers, were seen glowing brightly. 

Ella was shocked when she noticed her teeth sinking into someone she didn't recognize. She yanked her teeth out and shoved him away.

Surprisingly, her strength knocked Shadow down.

'What was that strength?' After seeing everything, Shadow couldn't think straight. He looks at the girl, who appears to be amazed by her own strength.

'Fangs?' he could see two fangs stained with blood, which is definitely not like her other normal teeth. Those are probably the ones that just bit him.

"What are you?" his thoughts slipped into words.