The Reason

Daniel guided Luna to the living room sofa to sit down. She put the things she brought from her house beside her. She thought he would also sit down and talk with her but instead she could see him going into the kitchen.

"Do you want to drink anything?" he asked Luna.

'Yeah blood' she said in her mind while I told him, "Water please, thank you."

"You don't have to worry about what happened yesterday," Daniel continues to talk to her while preparing the drinks and bringing them to the living room. 

His neck was bright red during the talk. 

'Ah, I want to bite it. Calm down. Calm down.' Luna's mind was on his nape and forgot to answer him back.

"It's okay for boys to cry sometimes too, don't worry I won't tell anyone, uh--it's not like I have anyone to tell" 

She could hear his heartbeat getting faster as he talked. Is he embarrassed? Wait, what? What did he just say? Right. Everett is  a boy. Yes, she's so good at pretending to be a boy. If she tells this back to Shadow, maybe he will let her drink some blood. And Daniel doesn't have anyone to even talk about? For real? It doesn't make sense for someone like him to have none? It got her into a train of confusion.

Daniel looks at Everett who is in front of him but his mind is somewhere else. 

'Is he that embarrassed about yesterday that he didn't even want to talk about?' He decided to not talk about it anymore.

"How old are you? I'm almost ten, I just thought you are the same age as mine?" He tries to change the subject.

Daniel's words pulled me out of my continuous thoughts, "Yes, I am turning ten this year." she answered him back.

"Is that so? Can I ask which school you are going to? Hum, It's fine even if you don't tell me. I just—want to know if we are attending the same one or not!" He wanted to directly ask Everett if he possesses elemental powers or not but he thought it would be rude if he doesn't possess one.

"About that—I'm going to EES, the east elementalist school—just in case you don't know about it," Luna answered Daniel back along with some explanations.

"Really?" he exclaimed with joy in his eyes. He just looks like a puppy who has been told that we will be going somewhere together.

"So you are also an elementalist?" he asked her.

"Yes, I'm" she honestly answered, there's no reason to lie about that anyway.

"I'm also going to attend there! Maybe—maybe we can go together." (D)

"You are?" (E)

"Yes!" (D)

It surprised her a bit to know that Daniel is also an elementalist. What could his element be? Maybe water? That totally suits his image. Or maybe light, never mind light users are mostly evil. She still can't forget the boy from two years ago who is a light elementalist. She couldn't help but ask him, "What's your element, Daniel?"

"Secret! You will know it on the test day for EES new students. Shall we go together?" He has his puppy eyes like Ian. 

'I guess he is cuter than Ian, I'm sorry my little brother. You will still be my number one in my heart but this brother right here, his beauty can't be compared with anyone. Including his puppy eyes!' 

"We will" she gives in to it helplessly. Well, she can become close to him bit by bit and uncover the truth that he's hiding.

Daniel gave Luna his angelic smile again and his hand moved, with his finger pointing at the things she brought. "Is that the PS4 which you told me about yesterday?" 

Daniel was happy about it because his friend kept his words on coming back here to show it to him even with the things that happened yesterday.

Luna nodded back at his question with a smile. She is totally ready to explain everything she knows about it to him. After she finished telling Daniel about it, they were immersed in the television screen connected with the PS4, playing it, until the sound of a phone call was heard. It isLuna's. As she looked at the phone screen, she could see the only one in my contact list calling me, Shadow.

"Hello?"She answered the phone by putting it between her shoulder and her ear. Her hands were busy pressing at her consol again.

"If you don't want another one month without it, you better come back at the count of ten, nine…" Shadow sounded pissed and she knew that he was not joking at all. 

Her legs started to move so fast without her usual control on it, even making the floor shake a bit. 

Arriving at the front door of Daniel's house in just three seconds she shouted to Daniel "Let's continue tomorrow!" Daniel was surprised at her sudden reaction to the phone call. 

Without even waiting for his answer she ran up to my door which automatically opens with White's control.

Daniel looked at the PS4 and the consoles left in his living room with a smile on his face and thought in his mind 'Tomorrow.'

"Two--"she saw Shadow sitting in the living room, still counting. Ian on his lap, with his mouth biting Shadow's arm.

"I'm here!" She made a quick and loud declaration of her arrival. 

The counting stopped as soon as she finished saying it. It was a close call. 

Shadow turns his head to her, glaring a hole out of her. 

So that was the reason for his call, Ian. His gaze is telling her to quickly take Ian from him. Luna scoffed a bit and looked at her phone screen in her hand. She didn't even notice it, it had already been two hours. Games can make time flow faster? She went up to Shadow and Ian with glee on my face.

Seeing Luna coming up to them, Ian finally let go of Shadow's arm and his small hands started to hold out in her direction, telling her to pick him up.

Shadow throwing daggers from his eyes to Ian's change. Some minutes later, I went to Shadow again with Ian in my arms, asking him "When is the EES new students test day?"