Feeling and Reaction

"I don't know Everett," Daniel answered her.

"What do you mean by you don't know?" her curiosity got higher.

"It's just--his channel name is blank. There's no letter on it. Even many people online are wondering who this mysterious uploader is and how he managed to make the name blank. He has never shown his face in any of the videos too and that's why people started to call him Blank as his nickname. Nobody knows his real identity." Daniel explained to her everything he knows. 

Her mind was in a big jumble right now. 

Is he really that famous and great like Danny told her? She needs to check that person out for sure.

She asked the last question, "How did you find him if there's no name?" 

How did he find such a talented person? Her curiosity being uncontrollable, she looked at him waiting for his answer. Maybe someone behind Daniel has found him for the one in front of her.

"He is on my recommendation?" he told her with a confused expression.

Right. Why did she even ask him? 

Quickly, she closed her eyes to calm down.

Given Daniel's personality, he is telling the truth. It's an obvious answer. Maybe White could find that Blank without needing that much information because it's online. 

That's it! She decided that she would just go home and without a second thought, she stood up to pick Ian from the sofa into her arms. 

Seeing his friend's action, Daniel thought Everett got mad at him about his answer. 

He replied honestly but when he thought back about it, it would seem like he carefreely answered her somewhat. 

His friend must think that Blank is cool like he thought and he was hoping for a serious answer.

"I am going home." Everett's voice was heard all of a sudden.

Daniel abruptly asks her "Why? It hasn't even been an hour."

Eve usually stays more than an hour except for that one time. Daniel was a little dumbfounded.

"I just remembered something I need to do. My uncle's stuff you know..." She gave Daniel an excuse by using Shadow. 

"Oh.." he mumbled in a disappointed voice.

After one time of Shadow's call, Daniel knows Shadow as my strict uncle who's also stingy. I have to badmouth Shadow to him whenever he makes me angry. 

It only took a few seconds for Daniel's expression to change into his normal one.

"Good luck on it!" he said while giving his friend a smile. 

His hand turns into a grip and shakes in the air to gesture his words. 

It works. He totally believed it and now was cheering on her. Luna couldn't help but feel a bit, tiny bit sorry for Shadow. This won't have happened if he's good to her sometime rather than being a strict teacher. 

Even though she knew it was for her...well she couldn't help it. 

"Thanks, here, say goodbye to brother Danny," she waved her hand in front of Ian so that he could copy her movement. 

Ian copied and did it as she did. 

Luna walked to the front door with Ian in her arms. Before going out she turned to her back and saw Daniel still looking at them. 

She could feel loneliness from his eyes again. She was about to ignore it thinking it was a mistake but she couldn't, " See you tomorrow Danny!" Luna shouted at him as she closed the door. 

Daniel looks at the closed door from his living room, he has a big smile on his face. A smile that is unique from any other smiles he has shown Everett before. A happy boy was left  in an empty house.

'See you tomorrow too Everett' unbeknown to him, a warm feeling starts to take a spot someplace in his worn out heart.


"White White! ah! Dani-- ugh--I mean Shadow!" 

Currently, in the opposite house, Luna carrying Ian in her arms was mistakenly calling out other names instead of Shadow. Going back and entering the house made her nervous again.

Before finding out more about the mysterious uploader, she has to tell Shadow about Ian first.

Hearing his name being shouted, Shadow pops up right in front of Luna with his shadow element. 

He stared at her from head to toe worried for a moment that something bad had happened but to his surprise, she wasn't hurt. 

"Is it about Ian?" he asked her thinking that it must be one of her 'I need to buy this for Ian thing.'

Luna was stunned by Shadow's question. How did he know? Did he spy on them? If he does that means he already knows about what just happened. His facial expression says it's okay to tell him the truth. 

She should just tell him straight forward right?

Her intelligence decided that she  shouldn't take turns, words in her head blurted out with fast speed, " Ian crest power works for the first time and I had to cover up for him so I told Daniel that I am a lightning elementalist!" 

At the end of her words, her eyes closed automatically as if it's meant to be. Waiting for his judgement.

She could only hear his heartbeat and breathing rather than his words. Wanting to know what is happening, Luna tries to peek. 

In front of her was Shadow with a blackened expression. It's her first time in these two years seeing that much reaction from him, his face doesn't even look scary but instead, he looks like a red angry bird from that one game she had played with Daniel. She tries her hardest not to burst out laughing and quickly regains her composure. 

"Thanks," Shadow told her one word and the shadow from his feet came up to wrap him whole. 

In a blink of their eyes, he had disappeared.

"Huh?" The two kids were left in the house alone without knowing where Shadow had gone.