Will you remember us?

"Number 136!"

The number was called again, it was Sam's number.

Just like Mike, he went to the testing area and did the same thing. The stones had no reaction. Unlike Mike, he bowed to the side of the teachers after touching all the stones. As he got back, another number was called.

"Number 137!"

Luke's turn came. Among the group, he was last. Despite his nervousness, he entered the testing area. He touched one after another, but nothing happened. He was sad that he couldn't attend the same school as Richard, but he was happy to go to the same school with Mike and Sam. He and Richard were like cold ice and burning fire. He melted his ice wall when he was abandoned with his energetic and cheerful nature.

He arrived at the last stone. As usual he put his hands on it with his eyes closed. Even with his eyes closed, he had seen some light before, but this time he felt complete darkness. Swallowing him into the abyss. He quickly opened his eyes in shock, the entire hall was silent. Several people were so enthralled that they forgot to blink as they looked at him.

One of the male teachers shouted.

"Sha—Shadow Elementalist!"

Luke was astonished. In every book he read about elementalists, shadow element was mentioned to be the rarest element to have compatibility with.

"Hahahaha…Light and Shadow!" another teacher spoke in joy with a loud voice.

Luke turns his head to see his friends and the headmaster. The old man and two of his friends were bug-eyed, while Richard had a huge grin on his face.

Luke had no idea what had just happened. Just like when Richard was compatible with the light element, teachers approached him. Does that mean he is compatible with shadow? His belief in himself was beyond belief.

They were invited to the principal's office. It took the whole day to talk with the teachers and principal at school. They even stopped the test for today, saying that they needed to focus elsewhere. Anyone who wants to be tested needs to come back tomorrow. It made most of the parents mad, but they could not complain.

Luke and the others all arrived back to their orphanage with the old man's car and were greeted by the kids there as they came back.

"Am I dreaming?Luke asked Richard as he looked into his golden eyes. They were being hugged by younger kids.

"How is the test today?" one of the kids asked them.

"If you think you are, I must be too." Richard replied to Luke in the midst of being grabbed by the kids.

Many younger kids loved him while the older ones also loved him but were annoyed by him sometimes.

"So that means we can repay Grandfather properly?" Luke asked his best friend again. He still couldn't believe what just happened in a day.

"Yeah" Richard smiled at Luke.

"Why are you all standing here without going in properly?" the old man who finished parking the car asked them.

Hearing this, all the kids run towards the house grabbing the hands of ones who just came back.

They all sat down in the living room, one after another, the kids who were still young to go to the test bombarded them with questions.

"What's the test?"

"What does it look like?"

"Have any of you passed?"

"What's an elementalist?"

"Being an elementalist means you become rich?"

Their questions were so many and random that they had a hard time answering them.

"Kids it's time for dinner!" the amplified voice of the old man from the kitchen was heard some time later.

Luke, Richard, Sam, Mike and all the other kids couldn't believe how fast the time flew. All of them were engrossed in the discussion. In fact, they forgot to help the old man even though it was time. They headed to the kitchen abruptly and saw the long table set up with their dinner already there.

"Ahem…It's because today is special" the old man said it to the children with his cheek slightly red.

Luke and Richard understood what the old man meant. Thank you, both of them hugged the old man, and seeing their actions the kids also went to hug him. Why not? Hugs are a form of affection. 

All of them ate afterward. The old man did not have to remind them because they did the dishes themselves just as he had instructed them before.

Darkness had already taken over the city and the kids were ready to sleep. They have their respective bedrooms, each having four kids in it as roommates. Luke, Richard, Sam and Mike were in a room since they were roommates. They have already turned out the lights and are lying in bed.

"I haven't told you two because of all the stuff going on, congrats buddy" Mike broke the silence in the dark.

"You guys won't forget us when you become powerful right? I would be glad to be remembered by the light and shadow of our orphanage." His voice was shaking as he spoke. 

Four of them were the same until the test; their situations were similar. What happened today has totally changed his mind. He was glad for his friends, but he felt so small at the same time. They were already one step ahead of them. And it was not a tiny step, a large step of having special and unique elements. He feared this step would alter their friendship.

"What are you talking about?" Richard replied, his voice sounded a little angry.

"How can I forget someone who got scared by some leaf's movement? I mean where can I find someone as funny as you?" Richard's voice changes into his usual energetic one.

"Isn't that right Luke, Sam?" He asked for his friends to help disagree with Mike's fear.

"I agreed"

"Same here"

Both of them replied. The four of them talked for quite a while at midnight, opening their hearts in the process and falling asleep.