To Break the Limits

'How come his crest can use electricity when he's just barely two years old?' Shadow was dumb fold.

James Lumino, the first man in his family bloodline to develop his crest further at the age of thirty-two got suppressed by his child who can't even speak properly, not to mention Ian still can't walk properly too. It made him curious of what his master's further improvement on vitro fertilization was.

Shadow shook his head to make his hair become normal again. He patted Ian's hair which was also straight upward. It freaked the child out.

Shadow wasn't angry?

Ian looked at Shadow who had a sinister smile on his face.

In his mind, Shadow thought 'You won't be useless now.'

  Luna went to continue to eat her dinner after checking up on the two. She finished it quickly and washed the dishes with the help of the wooden block.

It was not that she is short but this house seemed to be built for the older Luna to live in. She still needs around three inches to reach it. Not wanting to accidentally break anything, this wooden block was brought by Shadow due to her request to use it.

As she finished washing the plates, they were put back in place and she came back to the living room.

Shadow notices her presence and his gaze shifts from Ian to Luna. She was looking at the ground not even looking at him, waiting for the scolding she would get.

The fact that she can control lightning has to be a secret and it was revealed to a stranger who became their neighbor some weeks ago.

"Just tell him you are a dual elementalist."

Luna nodded at Shadow's words "Yes?" Isn't something wrong here? Startled by what he said, she looked up at him.

The expression he had on him was telling her that he's serious.

"But" he continued.

"Also tell him that you will only be studying as a fire elementalist. If any words come out about you being a lightning elementalist, I will handle him." He looked so cold saying these words.

Handling Daniel means ending his life, Luna was sure of it.

During their conversation, Ian was seated beside Shadow and he stayed quiet as if he didn't exist.

"I understand." Luna replied to him. It was for the best anyway.

Hearing her reply, Shadow stood up from the sofa to leave.

That's it? She's not getting scolded?

Luna abruptly stops Shadow from leaving after remembering what she planned to say after her scolding session was over.

"I have a request!" she exclaimed while extending her two hands to block him.

It made Shadow sit back in his original position to listen to her. He gave a nod to her that she can state her request.

"I need a place to train, somewhere with fewer people. It would be better if there's none. There's something I want to try with my element. And during the training, can you also take care of Ian for a while?" She spoke super-fast with her eyes filled with excitement.

She really wants to test out Blank's advice.

He also said that elementalists tend to limit themselves once they know their limit and they never grow out of it. This is what she is feeling right now. She's not like others. Having more than two elements and shouldering them with a core seemed impossible to her.

She needs to grow out of the limitations she sat on herself.

'I'm going to become stronger'