Training Night

Elementalist Schools, every city has eight of them in each direction of the city. They are especially for students with element compatibility and it's free to attend for them.

But if someone who doesn't have an element compatibility wanted to attend, they will have to make a donation to the school and depending on that amount, they will be put to the class to learn about elements.

Those who graduate and don't have compatibility with elements still can get a better job than the others without it since they have the knowledge of them.

The most popular thing about elementalist schools is the event held every year which is seven days long.

It's mainly about art of elements where students show off their spells, single combat to know who is the strongest among the eight schools and battle royale to find out the team with the best teamwork.

The competitions between students are also quite intense when it reaches the final day.

Students starting from the fifth year to final are chosen among the ones who want to participate and the number is limited since it's an event held by all of the eight elementalist schools in the city as one.

Due to the popularity gained after the event, many students aim to get selected.

The number of audiences each year was no joke. Held in a place five times the size of a football field, it is always filled with people every year. It's a place especially made for this event alone. People can realize how much money the elementalists schools made from the rich students without element compatibilities.

Most of the audience are people outside of school without element compatibility, the ones from school who weren't chosen to participate and the students from first to fourth year.

Normal schools also have an event like this but it wasn't as famous as elementalist schools, they only have the crest power to fight and strong crest powers are rare.

The spirit to fight is high for the elementalists and that's why it is not safe to be alone in the school unless you're super strong.

'Am I just over worried?' Daniel couldn't help but think of it. Everett doesn't seem to be one who would lack friends. His mood becomes dull.

"I don't know who the class works so…," Luna briefly explained that she has no idea about it and continues, "But I hope we will get to the same class."

"Me too," he replied with a smile, the dullness he was feeling before was wiped clean by a warm feeling.

Luna stayed at Daniel's house the whole morning, even helping him with breakfast and finishing it together. She got back to her house at the time she had calculated for Ian to be awake.

Arriving back at her house, she was excited for the training tonight. She hummed a song which is one of Anna's favorites on the way to her room.

It was still eight in the morning and Ian was still sleeping soundly. He's the one who she has been looking after for two whole years so she already knows that Ian will be awake anytime soon.

Luna walked out of her room without closing the door and started to make a cup of warm milk for her brother. By the time Ian is awake, it will have the right temperature for him to drink.

Her whole day was spent taking care of Ian, bathing him, feeding him, watching television shows with him. While accompanying him to watch, she always practices her element which district Ian almost all the time.

When night comes, Shadow appears in front of them to come and take them to the training place.

Luna stepped into his shadow with Ian in her arms, she didn't want to leave him at home alone even if he could be put to sleep. She stood next to Shadow in his shadow. Ian glanced at Shadow and he softly giggled as he thought about yesterday.

He can't wait to try it again, maybe he will see Shadow's skin color changed from his power instead of his temporary black shadow skin.

The doom of shadow closed and they also melted into the darkness with it.