Guiding her

During their way back home, Luna woke up from her sleep, her tiredness from before is gone with a whim. Well, she didn't like sleeping that much anyway. It wasn't long for them to reach their house back.

Arriving back at home, Ian who has surrendered himself to sleepiness on their way back was put to sleep in his bassinet by Shadow while Luna took a change of clothes to change in the guest bathroom since she knows exactly why she's still wrapped in shadow element.

When the door of the guest bathroom closed, the shadow element wrapped around her body went back to Shadow.

Luna slowly turns to look into the mirror. The boyish looking girl in the mirror has a small face stained with dark ashes, her hair was messy. Her clothes were tattered and burnt. No matter how one looked, she looked like an abandoned puppy picked up from some street since the state of the house with a kid plus a baby looks better than her right now.

She had done it. She couldn't imagine how many more days till she can see…No, how many more days till she can smell blood again. 

But…it was strange. She felt it was worth it. It was as if the affinity of her element is the size of her hand, it is now the size of Daniel's hand.

With amazement in her eyes, she made her hand into a fist and looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her mouth carved in an inexplicable arc.

'I can do it!' she cheered herself.

This method is more effective than the four-hour daily training she did every single day. There's a side effect though. She immediately realized what it was. 

It was the control. Just to be sure, she tried to create a fire cycle on her palm. Ha! She was right after all. Her eyes sparkled by what she saw. The circle on her pam, it's not as circular as it used to be!

The increase in affinity has affected her control of her element. 

What if she continues her four hours on control and trains like she did tonight to increase her limit? She did a quick thought.

Thinking back about training, she doesn't know if Shadow will take her to that place again. She has to spill everything about why she released all her elements by using up all her mana to reason with him.

Without a doubt he won't believe it but the one who tells him is her, he will. Since she has no reason to lie about him becoming stronger.

The flame in her palm disappeared followed by her actions of taking her thorned clothes.

Luna spotted a towel which she put in the bathroom and wet it with the water from the tap to clean her body. 

She remembered her glasses when she started washing her face…where was it? 

She casually noted that she will order a new one after her business with Shadow is done. It wasn't important for her unless she went out. She was sure that it was broken according to her memories before she fell asleep.

After changing her clothes, she got out of the guest bathroom. And senses Shadow sitting on the sofa staring outside the floor to ceiling glass window, at the night view. He probably lost in thoughts while waiting for her.

Taking a few steps, she walked directly to him. Before she got in front of him, Shadow turned his gaze at her. It startled her a bit, it was reasonable, she couldn't control her footsteps. Being stared at by a pair of black eyes, even though it's known as a common eye color, it felt different. Everything seemed dark when she looked at him.

His shadow element being a bonus to his aura.

She put her hands to the back, her fingers nervously twirling around one another were covered by her body. Like the time from yesterday she was ready for a scolding or increase in her punishment. Whatever it is. She will tell him about her progress after it.

Shadow asked the girl in his sight, "The reason?"

"To test a theory about increasing the affinity by breaking one's limit. I thought it was not true but it won't hurt to try and do it. But..It worked. My affinity is stronger compared to two hours ago!" In the midst of her answer, she couldn't conceal her excitement.

"Please allow me to train like this again! Even if it's once every two days…"

Shadow just stared at her.

"Two times a week?"

There was no answer.

"One time a week?"

Not even the rate of his heart beats changed.

"One time a month?" she said her final rate. She didn't want to go lower than this.

"Do you know the consequences of training like this?" Shadow questioned her out of the blue.

"Um..the control?" Luna answered in confusion from her excitement.

"Yes, the control. After you have thought more deeply about it, we will negotiate." He stood up from the sofa and walked into his room leaving the excited girl with a question, making her more confused.

Her negotiation ended up with a failure in result.