Black Curtains

Luna rubbed her eyes, she tried to shake off the shroud of sleepiness. Her eyelids were open but what she couldn't see was the sunlight. She didn't know what time it was anymore. Because she hasn't slept yet since yesterday. 

With a hint of hope, she reached for the phone that was put on the lamp table to her. The phone settings made the screen lit up as it felt her touch on the screen.

Luna's eyes quickly fall on the digital clock display on the screen.

'Yes!' she exclaimed in her head while her head turned to look at the black curtains hung close to the window.

The curtains arrived yesterday. After she set it up, she waited all night to know the result. It passed the testing phase. No sunlight was in the room even though it was the time for the sun to rise now.

It didn't take long for her excitement to be overwhelmed.

As her eyes continued to stare at it, she muttered to the curtains, "Why aren't you here to scold me that black doesn't suit me? Leaving me with a video of telling me that you're dead? Why did you care about my health more while you have people after your lives?

Do you think I won't hurt much because I'm just an adopted child? You should have had tons of bodyguards following you, protecting you. I couldn't even send both of you off properly. Fearing that stupid organization will be waiting for me if I go there. Shadow won't even allow me to see the picture of your dead scene while every single one of the channels were streaming it as breaking news.

If I… didn't get greedy that one time… will we all be still together?"

Her eye sockets flooded with salty water. It streamed down to her cheeks, continued to her collar bones, and created a wet spot on her shirt.

She pulled the quilt near her legs to cover her whole body. When the warmth of the quilt surrounded her, she closed her eyes before she whispered the words.

"I miss you so much, mum, dad."

Sleep overtook her easily since her eyes were tired from various works she put on them. It was until she heard the crying voice.

Luna sat up from her sleep, still with her eyes closed, her waist turned to the side of the sound.  She stretched her left hand towards the sound, her fingers felt the texture of the wooden bassinet.

The crying stopped.

Ian saw the pale slender fingers in his view and it alerted him that his sister was here the whole time.

  "Nunaaa" he called out.

But the fingers which were in his view disappeared.

Ian's eyes followed the direction of the movement of the hand which disappeared to. Where did his sister go? His sister ignored him?

The baby got confused.

Luna turned her waist to the other side of the lamp table to get her phone. But it wasn't there. After a few seconds, she found it near her pillow. She must have forgotten to put it back.

She quickly turned on the camera on the phone to check her face. Her eyes were a little red but it wasn't noticeable…wait… why can she see her face?

Her eyes wandered from her fingers holding the phone to the quilt, and to the ceiling to check if the lights were on, but they weren't. Her eyes continued to Ian, and finally, her eyes reached to the windows in the room.

The curtains…why were they white? Didn't she change them to black sunblock ones yesterday?

Countless questions popped up but she regained her sense instantly, her legs moved to the bassinet. She picked up Ian and ran out of her room.

Her eyes searched again. The only person in her visual was only Shadow. He was seated on the sofa with the laptop on his lap.

Shadow of course knew that Luna was out. How couldn't he not hear those loud footsteps? He glanced at her and said to her, "Go eat before it gets cold." He pointed at the foods plated on the table in the kitchen. It was obviously high-quality takeouts plated by him.

Luna only turned her gaze from staring at him to the meals. She kept staring.

Shadow frowned slightly, 'Why do other kids like takeouts and not you two?'

As per the research of the current year, most of the children enjoyed fast foods and takeouts more than homemade ones.

It wasn't like he bought the cheap one nor the food with no nourishment. He certainly does not want kids if he were to get married one day. It was already enough for him to look after countless kids since he was young. Let's just not even fall in love. He decided.

He gave out a not so loud sigh and said to her, "don't buy black curtains again, listen to your mother."

Luna heard Shadow's words well. Once again, she stared back at him. They still have Shadow after all. She gave him her best smile to thank him and walked to the table in the kitchen.

She helped Ian with his food first and she ate after she was done. Their stomachs were filled, especially Ian's. It was his first takeout. He tasted a sense of taste better than what his sister fed him before.

Little did he know that it was bought by Shadow. First and foremost, Ian was still a two-year-old baby.