Human Shield, A Pretty One

Luna spent pretty much of her time on getting herself used to how to use the headphones in her daily life. She only got three hours of sleep.

After waking up the next morning, she went to her room to get the uniform and took a bath. The uniform was a white short sleeve shirt with black long pants. The color of the necktie is grey. It's a color which represents the east elementalist school.

'How do I tie a necktie?' she wondered. She was never interested in learning about it so she actually doesn't know how to.

Luna got out of the bathroom without tying the necktie. She did not forget to take her new headphones and hang it around her neck above the tie.

Luke and Ian were in the living room waiting for her. It was a surprise to see Luke brought Ian to the living room on his own. She guessed that their relationship improved as they spent more time together these days.