
Pdv Mau.

I am always lost and puzzled by the reason for our presence at the announcement of good news but the questions will soon be answered.

Father: You have always been with my daughter since we arrived in this city. She cried, laughed and almost died once, in all these moments you were there and it's something that really pleases us and even if she died today, she would have left happy because now I can say that my daughter is happy so I wanted you to share the good news that we will announce to her with her, he says very moved.

Marielle: Oops, finally it's good news.

Mom kote: you're going to have a brother or sister, she says when she turns to her daughter.

Her face lit up, I can't put the words on what I see now, it's the feeling that has just seen her dearest dream come true, she jumps into her father's arms and thanks them, hugs them and thanks them again as we had just done her the greatest service he is. At this very moment, a being more important than his life has just been announced.

Jozy: how many months? Question did she have?

Papa kote: he stays five months, he says smiling.

Jozy: Until then, I won't die, I'll see what my brother looks like. And yes, he will be a boy, she laughs. Let the party begin.

Lyna: I've never seen her as she says laughing at the stage that is offered for free.

Wonder: neither does I say she lost and everyone turns to her astonished. Yes, I've never seen like that, I thought she was at her maximum joy when she played the violin but now I don't have the words anymore.

Eve: it's normal when you think about it, look at Marielle, she completely changed sides when she learned of the existence of her brother, although these two did not get along, it is enough that they become aware of the blood bond that exists between them that they are ready for each other calmly says.

Paul: nothing to add.

Marielle: for Jozy it's a miracle. She often has to wonder how her parents will be after her departure, if they will always be happy or depressed, there she is not only happy to have a brother but the very existence of this pregnancy changes everything for her whole family if you see what I mean she says trying to be as clear and brief as possible.

Wonder: good appetite she said by attacking the dish, which made us follow her.

Pdv Jozy.

My parents can't imagine the joy and hope they have just brought me, I'm so happy and happy. Everything is multiplied by two, I will have a brother, who would have believed it? My parents have always wanted to have only one child even though I don't know why. I can see that my friends are surprised to see me jump in all directions and express my joy as I do right away, but what do I care about everything at this time? If only we could ride these remaining five months as a fucking VCD issue, I'm in ecstasy.

We continue to eat in a good mood and in a festive atmosphere.

Me: I'm too happy, I laugh

Wonder: is she drunk? She says lost.

Me: yes, happiness Sister. I've never been given to be so happy in life, she says with tears.

I cry outright for joy, I'm very happy and just for that I'm going to win the national title for you little brother, no one will beat me, no one.

Pdv jennifer.

I left with Magui after directly confronting our puppet, Marielle. I don't know what happened but she escaped us but I won't give up, I won't stop until I've destroyed them all, I'm going to make poverty known. Magui comes out of the toilet and joins me, I think she is in the same state of mind as me, I think I know where I started, I will fire Nando and Marielle personally from this school. How to do it? It's simple, it's enough for the principal who is at the same time the founder to know that his wife cheated on him with Nando's father and that he unfairly educated another's daughter. It's really deplorable for him but any way is good for me to destroy these three people, I hate them from the depths of my being and even in my posthumous projects they will be enemies I have to shoot down. I explain my plan to Magui who agrees directly on my plan and then we go to the principal's office. We knock once, twice and then three times when he invites us to go home. He's still a handsome guy, slender one meter ninety, muscles where necessary, beards tidy and cared for, I won't say to a leg in the air with him.

Principal: have you soon finished watching me young lady? She said, squeezing the mine.

Me: I won't say no to devour everything entirely, I say while being sure of myself. Physically I do more than girls my age and I don't leave men indifferent and that I knew, an idea of genius has just crossed my mind. If I can have the principal in my pocket, then I won't have to give myself so much trouble, I say inwardly.

Magui: I won't say no to join you, she says with a rather sexy smile, I guess she knows exactly what I handle and what I have in mind. I love this girl.

Principal: did you come to my office for these games of seduction? You suck like seducers, I see better. I invite you to go out if you have nothing important to tell me. He said the door, pointing to the door. Which man? He excites me even more.

Me: no, we have to inform you of something, I say suddenly.

Principal: Speak, he says firmly.

Magui: Marielle is not your daughter, she says without thinking and displays a little winning smile. I love this girl