CHAPTER 10: Even If You Want to See Me, Please Bear with This.




KASSIAN : "I will tell you later."

Arne wrinkled her expression, recalling Kassian's voice, which disappeared without telling her why he had come. It was a talent to say that one word so secretive.

ARNE : '… …I thought something big was going to happen.'

Arne turned her head at the sound of rustling next to her. Crave was taking Eva's so-called 'How to be a Real Handmaiden' fast-paced lecture. Arne shook her head as she looked pathetic at Crave, who was studying hard with his eyes shining. When our eyes met, Crave waved his hands with a smile. Arne lifted her finger at Crave, whom she liked like a puppy.

CRAVE : "You called me, Commander?!"

Arne seriously saw Crave dressed in a maid's suit. It's already been two days since Crave has been wandering around here, and to my surprise, no one pointed out.

ARNE : 'Is that just weird in my eyes? only me?"

The world is being bullied… … Anyway, Arne barely came to her senses.

ARNE : "Crave."

CRAVE : "Yes, Commander."

ARNE : "Tell me what happened."

It was a word that was cut off front and back, but Crave understood what she was trying to explain. Crave shrugged.

CRAVE : "The Golden Dragon Knights were completely turned upside down after, you, Commander suddenly left saying that you are getting married."

ARNE : "I know that. But until was there, nothing happened, right?"

CRAVE : "Everyone was skeptical. Until you left."

Crave shook his head as he recalled that day when he was sober, like the atmosphere of a portrait book. Arne's expression wrinkled. these are… …

CRAVE : "Honestly, the Golden Dragons have one personality, don't they?"

ARNE : "Everyone can't stand it."

CRAVE : "We all came to see the Commander, but suddenly you left! Will everyone stay still now that the reason for joining is gone? Of course, I got up. I signed my resignation right away."

ARNE : "... ..."

Crave said proudly. Arne touched her forehead.

ARNE : 'I thought you were normal... ...!'

Arne despaired of the atrocities committed by the one who thought he was the only normal member of the Golden Dragon Knights, who had no other members. One thought crosses Arne's mind at this time.

ARNE : 'I should have told you that it was a three-month marriage.

Regret is too late no matter how early. The carriage had already left.

ARNE : "So, what's this about a strike? I heard that some of them have already been lost in contact."

CRAVE : "I don't know."

ARNE : "... ..."

CRAVE : "I really don't know anything because I wrote my resignation first and bought a ticket to the Northern Empire and ran."

Crave smiled brightly. Arne, as usual, wanted to put a fist into Crave's smiling face, but he resisted. First of all, it's forbidden to beat people for three months. As a result of listening to Crave and making a comprehensive judgment, Arne made a decision.

ARNE : 'Never contact Ciklion IV.

For the time being, Arne thought she should never contact The Emperor of the Western Empire no matter what.

CRAVE : "Ah! When I came back after submitting my resignation, I happened to meet Ergen who was also going to resign. So, wouldn't Ergen also have written a resignation letter?"

ARNE : "Can't you put it more clearly… …"

Arne grabbed her troubling head as she sighed and leaked out. Crave, who didn't respond, was laughing hehehe, just glad that he had met Arne.

ARNE : 'I'll have to pack it up nicely and send him away when Uncle Sarno goes home.'

That was when she had just decided. Suddenly feeling a huge gaze stare at her, Arne turned to the side.

ARNE : "Ugh!"

Erica, who could see through the gap in the door, bit her handkerchief. Aside from the pitiful eyes, it was no joke to see Crave standing next to Arne. It was such a great gaze; Arne was sweating without realizing it.

ARNE : "Since when has she been like that?"

EVA : "Oh, it's been like that since Sir Crave came yesterday. Did you not know?"

ARNE : "I didn't know… …"

Nanny Eva smiled and loved Erica to her heart's content. Erica was still chasing after Arne's allegiance.

ARNE : 'When men with shaggy muscles said they would be loyal, I thought they would, but a girl who seems to break if she were touched is swearing allegiance… …

Crave noticed Arne's troubled eyes and stood up.

CRAVE : 'l guess I'll have to go!"

CRAVE : "It seems that maid is harassing the Commander."

ARNE : "What are you going to do… …"

Crave stepped forward and walked towards the door, and Arne watched with anxious eyes what he was trying to do. Crave opened the door and met Erica. It was a tense moment.

CRAVE : "Her Majesty has already received my oath of allegiance."

ERICA : "... ...!"

CRAVE : "Unfortunately, if you want to pay Her Majesty with your allegiance, not in this lifetime. Take the oath of allegiance in your next life."

ERICA : "Dark!"

Erica shed tears and ran away like a tragic heroine. is that ok? Arne was just wondering if she should have accepted the oath of allegiance, and Crave is back. In the midst of this, Crave's eyes twinkled with a smirk.

CRAVE : "How was that? Did I do well?!"

Arne thought as he looked at Crave excitedly as if asking for a compliment. Yep, I'm going to have to get rid of it soon.




CRAVE : "Oh, my lord. Let's go together."

ARNE : "Please don't bother me."

CRAVE : "Madammm~! You know well that I have nothing but Your Majesty!"

It's been a week since the wedding ended. The guests were all gone, and Arne was expected to live a normal life as a princess, but she was being chased around today as well.

ARNE : 'Why do I always seem to be chasing after I have done nothing wrong?'

It was strange. When Crave appeared, the castle maids became strange. After all, it seems that Crave wasn't caught in disguise, but I can't confirm it, so I just keep an eye on it. Unlike the other maids who could have been shunned anyway, Crave, who knew Arne so quickly, was impossible to get rid of from the beginning.

CRAVE : "A person with status like Your Majesty cannot be alone!"

ARNE : "Go away because I want to be alone."

CRAVE : "I do not want to!"

However, it was not as uncomfortable as having Crave attached. With *military meals*, which has been next to Arne for a long time, Crave took care of it as carefully as a professional maid. (T/N: *I have no clue if this is the correct translation, cause the translation was "jjambab." I looked it up and it was a slang word for military meals.)

CRAVE : "Come on, here."

As soon as Arne thought about wanting to drink water, Arne took the water and drank it, looking at Crave who offered her a water bottle that she did not know where he had brought it.

CRAVE : "Hehe. But, are you feeling better? Because I am."

ARNE : "... ..."

Should she say that this was good? Crave smiled and said confidently.

CRAVE : "You're going to the capital soon, so you'll need more maids like me."

Arne's gaze wandered in the air for a moment. The words that Kassian swallowed, saying he would tell me later. That said, she had to go to the capital soon.

ARNE : 'The capital city… …'

She didn't think she'd be locked up in Ternewzen Castle all the time, but suddenly it was the capital of the Northern Empire, which made it difficult for me.

ARNE : 'If I go there, I'll have to do some kind of activity as the Grand Duchess… …'

Could she even do it well?

CRAVE : "Trust me!"

ARNE : "... ..."

CRAVE : "Why, aren't I doing a good job as a maid?"

Crave tilted his head at Arne's cold reaction. He suddenly beat a knight, who used to be good at, and find his aptitude as a maid. Arne couldn't hide her pity. At that time, the maids of the castle passed by. Crave and Arne reflexively smiled good-natured smiles at the question of why the two of them were in a corner like this.

ARNE : "It's nothing, go."

It was when she sent maids like that a few times. Suddenly, the maid Marte came to visit. At the same time, Arne felt a sense of crisis. Why did Marte suddenly come here?

MARTE : "Madam, may I ask to speak to you for a moment?"

has it finally come? That he was discovered that he was a man dressed in a maids costume, in that ups and downs. It would have been impossible without being noticed. Arne thought she would be honest about being caught like this.

ARNE : "Actually, this happened was due to… …"

DORIS : "Too much! Your Majesty!"

Doris, the maid who came with Marte, cried and cried. Marte noticed that she had to stop, but Arne did not understand the situation. Why are they suddenly? Then Erica whimpered and shouted.

ERICA : "We were with the Grand Duchess first!"

DORIS : "You did a great job!"

ERICA : "Suddenly, you are getting closer with that maid!"

DORIS : "We are sad!"

ARNE : "… …?"

Arne's eyes lost their way and turned to Crave. Crave shook his head with a puzzled expression. Suddenly, Doris pointed at Crave.

DORIS : "Your Majesty, are you giving preference to this maid because she is from the same Western Empire?!"

ERICA : "We will also go to the Western Empire to study abroad!"

DORIS : "We also want know how to be favored by His Majesty, the Grand Duchess!"

ERICA : "That's right! Give us a chance too!"

Marte put an end to the cries of the maids.

MARTE : "It is so, Your Majesty, The Grand Duchess. Showing favoritism to only one maid… …"

Marte, who must have been sad in the inside, was also looking at Arne, but her expression was more earnest than anyone else's… …So, that was all… …

ARNE : 'Are they jealous because we look close? ... …

Arne, who thought that Crave's identity had been revealed, was blown away by a huge realization… … Above all, Arne gave up thinking from the part that they considered Crave as a true maid.

ARNE : "No. All... ... all of them."

At Arne's answer, the maids' faces turned red.

ERICA : "Really? Really, My Lady?!"

DORIS : "We also want to serve Her Majesty!"

Ternewzen Castle suddenly dyed with love. In the middle, Arne laughed alone.




There was one process that a married nobleman had to go through unconditionally. Just to get the Emperor's approval. It was a means to legally preside over the union of the two families in the name of the emperor and to consolidate the inheritance right to the property of the nobility as a device to prevent any possible conflict, but in these days, it was irrelevant.

KASSIAN : "I'm just going to say my greetings."

Kassian smiled brightly while explaining why he had to go to the capital. Arne nodded, satisfied with the fact that she was handsome enough to eat her husband's face today as well. With the development of transportation, it was no longer a long way to the capital, but it was not without the trouble of going to the capital anyway. In fact, all the maids packed Arne's belongings, saying that once she went to the capital, she wouldn't be able to return to Ternewzen for half a year.

MAID [1] : "How weak of Our Majesty. You have to go on a rough journey … …"

MAID [2] : "Your Majesty, tell me to with you!"

MAID [3] : "Yes!"

Arne was troubled as she saw the maids who would not mind the sound of being executed if anyone heard the wrong thing. You young maids, calm down... ...! I don't think so!

KASSIAN : "I won't see you for a while."

Kassian said, kissing the back of Arne's hand. she had no idea, but when Kassian said that, Arne suddenly felt sad too.

KASSIAN : "What if I would suddenly miss my wife?"

ARNE : "... ..."

Leaving behind the stiffened Arne, the reaction came from behind. Leaving behind the fierce screams of the maids, Arne coughed in vain. She didn't know how to react when Kassian came out like this. Unfortunately, Kassian was due to come in a few days, as there were still unsolved issues. The reason Arne left first was purely because of the Duke of Sarno. In case someone was not a member of the imperial family of the Western Empire, the Duke of Sarno was furious that he had to see the emperor of the Northern Empire and return to the Western Empire.

ARNE : "I will be there first."

KASSIAN : "I will follow you right away."

Kassian whispered sweetly. With a slightly recalled cheek, Arne quietly nodded. For an instant, there was a playful look in Kassian's eyes. Kassian nodded slowly. Her overly warm and soft lips touched Arne's lips as if they were tickling and then fell. short kiss. Arne's face reddened for an instant at the kiss that he didn't know if it could be called a kiss. Kassian's smile widened as he watched Arne.

KASSIAN : "Even if you want to see me, please bear with this."

Again, the reaction came from behind.

SERVANT [1] : "Hey!"

MAID [4] : "Your Majesty, you are wonderful!"

SERVANT [2] : "Looks like you two got along well!"








The procession full of gifts with the Duke of Sarno, Arne, and her maids was a sight to behold. Even in Ternewzen Castle, when he failed to be selected as a maid on a carriage trip with only a few maids, Crave joined this time pretending to be a Guard Knight. Anyway, he was a man who never gave up.

EVA :"Sir Crave is amazing, isn't he?"

ARNE : "Because of that kind of tenacity, I even became the Deputy Commander."

EVA : "Fufu. Good luck."

Nanny Eva made a nonsensical noise and teased. Arne wondered what kind of car it was for the carriage trip, but left it alone. Come to think of it, it was Arne's first time traveling by horse-drawn carriage.

ARNE : 'I always rode my own horse.'

Ride on horseback, camp, ride on horseback… … It was much faster to ride a horse, but moving in a wagon gave her a view of the surrounding landscapes she had never seen before. This isn't bad either. As she was looking at the supremely peaceful scenery, her hand touched her lips without realizing it. As she was fiddling with her lips, she remembered a short, tickling kiss. she felt a little sad.

ARNE : 'No, what did I think now?'

She fooled around for a while. Arne shook her head quickly. Because of the unfamiliar calmness, it seemed that she kept having strange thoughts. Arne tried her best to find her composure. she usually gets attacked when she's careless like this.

ARNE : 'But this is not the Western Empire, so it won't happen.

That was when she was thinking. rumble. Suddenly the carriage stopped. And… …

KNIGHT : "It's an attack!"

Dragons would come if she said so.








TYPE : Web Novel (KR)

GENRE : Adventure; Comedy; Drama; Fantasy; Josei; Romance; Shoujo

TAGS : Aristocracy; Arranged Marriage; Beautiful Female Lead; Comedic Undertone; Devoted Love Interests; Doting Love Interests; Enemies Become Lovers; European Ambience; Female Protagonist; Handsome Male Lead; Kind Love Interests; Knights; Male Yandere; Misunderstandings; Power Couple; Sword And Magic; Sword Wielder; Tomboyish Female Lead

LANGUAGE : Korean (translated to English)

AUTHOR(S) : 윤슬

ARTIST(S) : Pig Cake; 돼지케이크