Mini Chapter: Whose Story is This?

A sneak peak at Cloud Pavilion:

Yun *watching other beings' lives play out on his prophet fan*: Oooh, that's a good choice! Oof, I wouldn't choose that if I were him. Wait a second... I wonder what's Bai Rong doing?

Bai Rong *writing in the snow with a stick*: Yun, you busybody, I know you're watching now. Stick your nose somewhere else.

Yun: But don't you wanna know what will happen to you in the next couple of years? You will--

Bai Rong: Nope!

Yun:--tell the kid--

Bai Rong: Lalalala.

Yun:--that she has to--

Bai Rong: I can't hear you!

Author: Ok guys, move over. It's my turn. Yun, shoo. Don't look at me like that. Bai Rong, no. Put down that sword-- HEEEEELLLLPPPPP!!!!!