Swinder in Action (2)

"Oh, really? A mere attendant in Winter Pavilion dared to act so arrogantly to a customer just now and even lies about it. Manager Song, what is the punishment for lying to one's superior's, superior's, superior?"

Manager Song whose presence had went unnoticed in comparison of a very angry big boss stood out and said, "The rules of Winter Pavilion state that a servant who doesn't follow instructions would be punished according to the severity of the mistake. Punishment for lying, embezzling, lying by omission and revealing information to outsiders, no matter how trivial, will be punished with one hundred beatings and a salary deduction of forty percent. The servant will be thrown out of Winter Pavilion and blacklisted for life if the crime is severe."

Su Xuan played up the pitiful act by crying. "I really don't know how I had offended Pavilion Master, but I didn't lie!"

The teen's face grew colder. "Manager Song, double the punishment every time she lies. Let the guards come in and carry out her punishment now."

Su Xuan's face paled when two guards carried a wooden board each and marched into the room. Another two guards held down the stunned servant while the only female guard in the room slashed open the back of Su Xuan's uniform, exposing her back to the beatings. The teen lounged on his chair and watched as the sound of her cries and wood slapping against skin resounded in the room. 

"Manager Song, what is the punishment for seducing or having personal conversations with customers while at work?"

"That is more severe, my lord," Manager Song said seriously. "Two hundred beatings."

"Master, please! Su Xuan didn't lie nor do any of the things you're accusing me of!" Su Xuan cried aloud. "My life has been dedicated to Winter Pavilion for the last seven years!"

The teen noticed that the male guard responsible for Su Xuan's beating lightened his strength considerably, while the female guard remained stoic and diligently carried out her orders. "Somebody drag this guard out and give him thirty beatings. If you can't even beat a useless servant properly, let someone else teach you how it feels. Are your arms made of pillows?"

The 'somebody' he referred to was none other than Manager Song, who immediately dragged the male guard out of the room. Nobody knew how happy he was to leave that room. When the big boss was angry, his aura could freeze hell!

Another guard was brought in to continue Su Xuan's punishment, but she still struggled, and crawled to hug the teen's legs. "Master, this servant is innocent, please believe me! I must be framed!"

The teen kicked her away in disgust. "Aren't two hundred beatings enough? We can double the number for touching me without my consent, and that's not even counting your two new lies."

Suddenly, the teen looked thoughtful. 'Wait. Can't accidentally kill her off like this, it's non profitable for either side. Must get my money's worth back.'

He withdrew his cold aura and smiled at Su Xuan. That smile was mesmerizing, and gave her hope that she had won over the Pavilion Master with her beauty and pitiful act. After all, which man could resist a delicate woman?  

That was all Su Xuan's maiden fantasies with pink bubbles and hearts. In the eyes of Manager Song, that smile looked like a fox's—cunning disguised as kind.

Since the back of Su Xuan's uniform was torn open for her beating, it had exposed half of her white shoulder. Of course, the teen could see it was intentional, and that clothes kept revealing more of her skin, no doubt meant to tantalize him. 

The teen stood up and stretched lazily. "She's only received twenty beatings right? No need to continue, I've changed my mind."

Su Xuan was pleasantly surprised. 'Did the Pavilion Master take a liking to me and want to take me in as his concubine instead?' In her mind, she was already fantasising a lifetime of luxury, wealth, and glory, so much that her inner excitement leaked through her facial expressions a bit.

Manager Song shook his head, and the guards' gaze contained mockery. Did that idiot think their Pavilion Master was stupid or blind? How could she still fantasise about boss at a time like this?

Truly so idiotic that the term 'idiot' would be disgraced if it was used to describe her.