3. The Magic Dust From Neyan

Neyan takes a deep breath and exhales slowly. It seems that the woman was trying to be patient with the stubbornness of Baron.

"I'm just reminding you, how dangerous it is if you often venture into the human world. My dad told me that in the human world there are plenty of The Catchers stationed after The Animagus like us."

"Don't worry, they didn't catch me." Baron smiles widely. Even though he almost died, he felt proud of himself because he could fight the catcher.

Neyan wides her eyes. She approaches and grabs Baron's healed cheek. Her nose was sniffing something. "You are stinky."

"I ... I haven't showered yet," said Baron. Suddenly his face turns red with embarrassment.

"No. I smell something burning. You must have been electrocuted by The Catcher." Neyan watched his body from top to bottom.

"You're just making it up, Neyan," said Baron. He becomes tense at being noticed by Neyan like that. The way Neyan looked at Baron was like a scanner he had ever seen in the human world.

"Yes. You must have almost been caught by them. Your cheeks still haven't fully recovered." Neyan pointed at Baron's cheek.

"How do you know?"

Neyan closes her eyes, and then she took a deep breath. Her body is glowing greenishly. As the green light grows brighter, Neyan opens her eyes. She blows the magic dust from her body to Baron. Instantly Baron feels his body getting stronger and healthier. His body didn't feel hurt anymore.

Neyan has impressive power to produce magic dust that is even more powerful than the magic dust from the Mamesein flower. Not many Animagus know about this.

"Neyan, you shouldn't do this to me. What if someone sees us?" Baron looked at Neyan. He was feeling so worried.

"It is OK. In this place, it's just you and me. Majer is outside. If anyone is a traitor, it means Majer is the one."

"You can't accuse her like that. That is not fair." Baron narrowed his eyes in displeasure.

"Take it easy. Everything will be alright. How are you feeling now?" Neyan touched Baron's cheek.

Baron brushed Neyan's hand quickly. "I'm feeling better. Thank you."

Neyan smiles sweetly. Her face is so beautiful. Her hair is reddish-brown and long wavy. She has white skin. There were green, red, and orange patches on his hands and feet. The patches only appeared when Neyan had just released her power to take out magic powder.

Neyan is a noble daughter who is perfect for being a wife. However, Baron never put his feelings for that woman in the slightest.

Baron felt it was inappropriate to have her as a wife. Neyan is nothing more than just a sister to him. They grew up together in the palace environment. It feels strange if one-day Neyan becomes his life companion.

Neyan looks back at the pizza box on the table. Baron has a little bad feeling.

"Neyan, do you want to try pizza?"

Neyan smiles and looks so happy. "Of course. I want to try it. "

Baron takes a slice of pizza and gives it to Neyan. Neyan looks confused. She doesn't know how to eat it.

"Baron, what should I do?"

"Open your mouth, then eat."

Neyan sniffs the pizza with his nose. She put the pizza in her mouth hesitantly and takes a little bite.

"How does it feel?"

Neyan nodded while chewing. "Hmmm ... weird."

Baron grinned widely. "Try to bite it more."

Neyan grinned. "OK."

She took another bite of the pizza with an even bigger edge. Neyan closes her eyes while chewing. "Hmmm … Not bad. The taste is a bit salty. It doesn't smell that good. "

Baron pulled the pizza back from Neyan's hand and placed it in the box. He knows that Neyan doesn't like it. "You shouldn't eat pizza."

"Why?" Neyan looks disappointed.

"You should be eating noble food. Do you want me to bring Mamesein flowers for you?" Baron invited her to go. He was afraid that Neyan would get sick from eating pizza.

"Thank you, Baron. You are very nice."

Finally, they walk out of Majer's house. Baron looked around and did not find his best friend. Maybe Majer was out for hunting.

Baron feels awkward walking alone with Neyan. Neyan could turn into a butterfly and flies across nature, looking for Mamesein flowers for herself. Or Baron could jump hundreds of meters and arrive at the flower field first.

At least, Baron appreciates Neyan as a princess. They can walk around casually while enjoying the beautiful light of the sun that shines gold. Soon it will be twilight.

The times in the Emporion and the human world were very different. If Baron went to the human world and it was already night there, then in Emporion, the sun was still shining.

Neyan grabs Baron's hand and holds him. It feels weird. Baron let go of his hand as Neyan looks at him in surprise.

"Why did you let go of your hand? You don't like it, do you?" Neyan lowered his gaze with a sad face.

"I'm sorry, Neyan. I'm not used to it." Baron feels guilty.

Neyan sighs. "Our marriage will be held in a few weeks. We have to get used to being together from now."

Even though Baron didn't respect Neyan, he couldn't refute Neyan's words when the noble's daughter said "now".

"Fine," said Baron.

Suddenly Neyan is stopping her step. Baron is quitting too.

"What's the matter, Neyan?"

Neyan takes out her wings and then flies and lifts her body slightly into the air. She grabs Baron's face and kisses his lips.

The Baron feels something shake in his body. Quickly he turns into a labrador. Neyan looks like she is kissing the empty air. Baron feels bad. He doesn't like when Neyan is acting like this. There is no love between them.

Neyan is landing her body on the ground and then folding her wings. Her face looks so disappointed as she walks quickly ahead of Baron. Baron walks, following Neyan obediently.