15. Prove Something

Finally, they slept in the garden that night. Baron set up a comfortable tent. He did not think that he would use this tent. Although the tent looked small on the outside, it was very spacious on the inside.

Baron had cast a spell to keep the tent safe and out of sight of anyone.

There are two soft folding mattresses. Baron chose to sleep on the right. Majer fell asleep as soon as she threw herself on the bed. The journey to the human world is tiring.

Baron closes his eyes and imagines Victoria's face. He hopes that he dreamed about that woman tonight.


In the morning, the sun is rising. The light shines through the tent. Baron woke up and was surprised when he saw the mattress next to him was empty. He moved quickly to get out of the tent and saw Majer was sitting on a lawn chair eating something.

Baron cleared his tent with a spell, makes the tent went into the pouch magically. Then he walked over to Majer.

"Where did you get the bread?" asked Baron.

"I got it from the bakery over there," said Majer, pointing to a shop across the street. "This is for you."

"Thank you."

Baron receives the bread and then eats it. They drink pure water from the bottle after breakfast. His body immediately feels refreshed.

"What is your plan for today?" asked Majer.

"I want to prove something."

Majer rolled her eyes. "It must be about that woman."

Majer stands up and follows Baron, changing her shape to a tiger, while Baron becomes a dog.

Baron runs fast as if he had memorized the streets of this city. He sees that many people are running with a pair of cables hook to their ears. Some people walk away in good work clothes.

"Can they see us?" asked Majer in Baron's mind.

"I do not know. If someone screams because see a tiger in the middle of the road, it means that someone can see us."

Majer laughed. "You are cute. Sometimes I want to be like you, change shape to be anything."

"You don't have to be like me because I'm not a normal animagus," said Baron.

Then they turned onto the road they were on last night. The housing there looks so beautiful compared to the previous night. Suddenly Baron felt unsure about continuing his journey.

He stopped at the side of the road and transformed into a human. Majer followed him.

"What's the matter, Baron?" asked Majer.

"I do not know. What if that woman doesn't want to see me? What if she thought that I was crazy?" Baron sighed.

"You don't have to think like that. I still can't believe that woman can see us. You said that you wanted to prove it."

"You are right. Alright then."

A bicycle passed by, Baron saw it. It is Victoria. Majer followed Baron's gaze. "Is that the woman?"

"Yeah. Come on, let's follow her!" Baron suddenly stopped. "Wait! Please, don't turn into a tiger. It will scare her."

"She has gone." Majer pointed to the road, and Victoria was out of sight.

"Oh no!"

Baron sees a group of young people playing skateboard by the side of the road. Baron approaches them, and none of them notice the existence of Baron and Majer.

Baron took one of the skateboards from the boy's hand and made him startled. Baron immediately uses the skateboard to catches Victoria. Majer follows him on another skateboard. Baron didn't care if the people there were surprised to see a skateboard that rolled by itself.

He used the strength in his legs to advance faster. It seems Majer is having a little trouble using a skateboard. This thing was the first time they had used an object in the human world.

Baron tried to balance his body on a flat object with the four wheels at the bottom. He and Majer rolled fast enough for them to catch up with Victoria.

"Over there!" exclaimed Baron.

They passed a highway where cars were fast passing by. Several people noticed as the skateboard that Baron and Majer were riding on appeared to be moving by itself.

Victoria turns right and then arrives at a café. Baron can't stop his skateboard.

"No no no!" exclaimed Baron.

He hit a power pole right on his nose. Majer managed to stop safely and got off her skateboard. She helped Baron to stand up with a face that was holding back laughter.

Baron held his bleeding nose. "My nose ..."

Finally, Majer burst out laughing, clutching her stomach.

"You are very funny."

"Shut up your mouth!" said Baron in a voice that was pinched because he squeezed his nose. Majer laughed again.

Baron looks at the café; it looks like Victoria has entered there. Majer also looks to the café.

"Can you stand up?" asked Majer, who had controlled herself from her laugh.

She helps Baron to stand up. Baron's nose is throbbing with pain. Baron remembers to take out the magic dust from his pouch. He takes a small handful and then sucks it until the dust is gone.

The bleeding in his nose stopped immediately, and the pain disappeared. He felt better and was ready to catch up with Victoria.

"Let's go, Majer!"

"Wait!" Majer held Baron's chest. "What would you do? You must have a plan to approach her."

Majer is right; Baron can't just approach Victoria. This thing is a little troublesome. He usually doesn't bother when he comes to humans, as long as that human is not The Catcher.

"She can see me. What if she is The Catcher?"

Majer shook her head. "The Catcher wouldn't look like that. They will usually immediately notice your whereabouts and beat you up without further ado. Also, The Catcher will not go to the café by bicycle."

Baron nodded. Majer's theory sounds plausible. However, if that woman were one of The Catchers, he would have braced himself with his sword.

"OK. We'll go inside the café and sit there. We'll wait for that woman to notice us."

"Are you sure?" Majer stared at him in disbelief.

"Let's wait and see."

Baron straightened his shirt and entered the café. Majer followed behind him with a tense face. Baron knew that Majer would draw out her sword at any time if she saw anything suspicious.

The café was full of visitors. The aroma of coffee is so strong. People are chatting with their friends, chewing bread, and holding a cup of coffee with the other hand.

Baron is sure that the people in that place are not aware of Baron and Majer's presence. He chose to sit in a corner chair, waiting for fate to come to him.