17. Baron Is Not A Human

Victoria knit her brows. She thought she had heard wrong. Did Baron mean to ask her out on a date? She chuckled to herself. Two handsome men suddenly entered her life these days.

Should she accept Baron's offer? Why not?

"Sure," answered Victoria.

After Victoria picked up the eggs, for which she almost forgot the purpose of coming to the supermarket, she walked to the cashier accompanied by Baron.

"Can I put this fruit juice in your basket? This is the money," said Baron, handing him a five-dollar bill.

Victoria took the money and put the fruit juice in the basket. Baron smiled at her and said, "Thank you."

They stood side by side, their shoulders touching. Victoria could smell Baron's body. She smelled flowers, but she didn't know what kind of flowers they were. Suddenly her heart was beating very fast.

"What are you doing? Come on, "said Baron.

Victoria gasped. The queue in front of her was empty. The cashier waited for her to come forward. Finally, after finishing paying, Victoria handed the fruit juice to Baron.

Baron put the fruit juice in a tiny bag.

"I thought it didn't look like the juice bottle would fit ..."

Baron put the bottle in that little bag, and the bottle just slipped in there.

"How did it happen?" Victoria widened her eyes.


"So, are you a magician?" asked Victoria, staring at him in amazement.

Baron seemed to be thinking. "Maybe. I never called myself that. By the way, I want to ask you, are you a magician?"

"Why do you call me like that? I don't have ugly white hair, wear a conical hat, and ride a broomstick, do I." Victoria laughed at what she had to say.

Baron didn't laugh. "What kind of magician is that? I didn't know if a witch could ride a broomstick. "

Victoria stopped laughing. "I was wondering to myself, who are you? How did you not know about broomsticks?"

"Uhm, I don't have much time. Let's go to the coffee shop over there." Baron pointed to a coffee shop.

Victoria took her bicycle and walked along with Baron. When they got there, Victoria sat in an empty chair. Baron sat next to her.

"I'm going to order a cappuccino. What do you want to order?" asked Victoria.

"Same with you."

Victoria calls the waitress and orders two cups of cappuccinos. Baron does not seem to relax in his place. His sharp eyes stared at Victoria in a way that makes her heart pound.

"Can you still see me?" asked Baron suddenly.

"Yes. So, what? You don't like it if I can see you? Isn't it that everyone can see you too."

Baron shook his head. "No. The people in the human world shouldn't be able to see me at all."

Victoria squeezed the strap of the bag that was hanging over her thigh. "Why do you keep talking about the human world? Are you not a human?"

"If I told you, would you still want to talk to me?"

Victoria felt that what Baron had told her was severe. She watched Baron from top to bottom.

Baron looked like any other normal man. He is handsome. His hands look thick under his black shirt, two buttons deliberately opened at the top of his shirt, showing his sexy chest muscles.

Victoria swallowed hard. She could not find anything strange about him other than that he was very handsome and sexy. Oh, and his smile is so beautiful.

"I want to talk to you. That's why we are here now, right?"

Baron nodded slowly. "Of course. What if I tell you that I'm not actually a human?"

Victoria laughed softly. "You look like a human to me."

"Is it true?"

"Wait a minute, have we met before?" Victoria didn't mean to change the subject, but she was sure that she had seen Baron somewhere other than her dream last night.

Baron's face is similar to a man who passed in front of her house last night wearing strange clothes with a woman in a Japanese anime costume. However, this man before him seemed utterly normal. They were different people.

"I do not know. Maybe you've dreamed about my arrival," said Baron, who sounded relaxed, but what he said was true.

"Okay, forget it."

The coffees are arriving. The waiter puts them in front of her instead of puts one of them in front of Baron. The waiter seemed to think that Victoria was a coffee lover who was not enough to drink only one cup.

She began to believe what Baron said. The hair on her back shuddered at the thought that he was currently talking to a ghost.

"Are you a ghost?" asked Victoria in a low voice.

"Ghost?" Baron laughed quite loudly. "So that's your only theory about me? You can see me while others can't and you decided that I am a ghost? "

Victoria stands up and is about to leave from there.

"Hey! Wait a minute! Please, don't go!" Baron withdrew her hand.

Baron's hand is warm and a little rough. Baron is not a ghost. There is no ghost feels warm like this.

"I'm sorry to make you confusing about me. Forget what I told you. Think of it as if I were a human and we could talk casually."

Victoria raised an eyebrow. She couldn't just believe Baron. She was still afraid that Baron would suddenly turn into a monster and eat her alive.

"I want to drink coffee," said Baron pulling the cappuccino cup closer to him and sipping his coffee in a loud voice while looking down, without raising the cup.

"Why don't you lift the cup?"

"I don't want people to see cups floating in the air. It will look very strange."

Victoria held her coffee cup shakily. Baron wasn't a ghost, but he wasn't a human either. So, what exactly is he?

"You are definitely not from this earth, are you?" guessed Victoria.

"Yes, you are right. I come from Emporion Land."

"Is that Em ... Emperor Land?"

"Emporion," corrected Baron. "I shouldn't be here. I have to avoid The Catcher. I'm curious about you, how can you see me? Are you one of The Catchers? "

"What is The Catcher?"

"They are the ones who always hunt my people." Baron took another sip of coffee while looking down at him, then clicked his throat. "Ah, this is delicious. You know, it's really great to be able to drink coffee with a beautiful woman like you."

"You call me beautiful?"

"Yes. Since earlier we have been talking too tense. I mean it when I say that you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in the human world. "

Baron looked serious as he said that. It made something in her lower body tremble as if butterflies were flying in there.

"Come on, finish your coffee quickly. I'll take you home."

Victoria finished her coffee immediately. Baron had finished his coffee first. After placing two five-dollar bills on the table, Baron took Victoria's hand.

"I'll take you home quickly," said Baron. "Get on your bicycle and hold on tight."

Victoria is speechless when Baron reaches to her on the top of her bicycle and lifts it with all his almighty strength. She is taken aback by his ability to carry her with the bike and leaped into the sky.

Victoria wanted to scream, but no words came out of her mouth. A few seconds later, they descended downstairs. Victoria felt like she was jumping off a roller coaster.

Suddenly they landed in front of Victoria's house. She felt out of breath. Her hair is messy and looks like a hurricane had just hit it.

"Are you alright?" asked Baron with a smile. "Wasn't that fun?"

Her heart was beating very fast. Her knees felt weak. Baron caught her as she staggered and nearly fell to the ground. She felt her body was in the warm embrace of Baron's body.

They stare at each other for a few seconds. Victoria closed her eyes, and Baron's lips kissed her gently.