34. The Rat Become A Handsome Guy

Victoria stopped moving. She opened her eyes wider and was surprised. Baron removed his hand from Victoria's mouth slowly. Victoria was breathless.

"Ba-baron? Is that you?" asked Victoria haltingly.

Baron let go of Victoria and stood up straight. "Yeah, it's me."

Victoria narrowed her eyes. "How can you ...? That was… That rat…" She pointed at the cage and then pointed at Baron in confusion. Her brain must have been in a messy situation.

"I was right. There was a rat inside the cage, and then the door opened. Suddenly you appeared in front of me. That doesn't make sense. I must be dreaming. I probably watched too much Hotflin. I have to wake up from my dream because otherwise I'll definitely go crazy."

"Victoria, I missed you," said Baron in a deep and gentle voice.