41. Where is The Compass?

The man wrote a letter on a slip of paper that read: "Plan A worked."

He cast a spell until the paper turned black, floated in the air into a puff of smoke, and left a small black dot moving swiftly in the wind.

He has a mission to complete. If plan A is successful, then soon he will rule the world.

The man laughed loudly, breaking the silence of the night.


The sun's rays penetrated Vic's window room, dazzling Baron's eyes. He was surprised to find his body naked without a single cloth. He turned to his side and saw Vic was asleep.

Baron smiled as he remembered what he and Victoria had done last night. He was happy because, in the end, he had done that special thing so extraordinary.

Victoria is the most beautiful woman in the whole world. Baron had seen her naked body last night like a sculpture of Aphrodite. Every touch and caress were so delicious that it made his body soar high into the sky. This feeling is so amazing.