58. Gargoland

"Pron!" cried Vuit as he ran to Pron, who was curled up on the ground.

Pron groaned in pain while crying. Vuit was shocked to see Pron's very worrying condition. His stomach churns a lot. Vuit tugged at his shirt, ripped it into cloth lengthwise, and then pressed the fabric against Pron's stomach.

"Hold on, Pron. Please, don't die!"

Pron burst into tears. His face was pale, and his lips were blue. Vuit is crying too.

"Oh no. What should I do? Pron, we have to get back to Gargoland. I'll ask Mloo to pick us up."

Vuit took out a gemstone from his pocket. His hands trembled as he gripped the stone. He cast a spell, and then a green light appeared like tongues of fire.

The flames formed the face of his friend. Vuit immediately called him. "Mloo! Help us! Pron was hit by an animagus sword attack."

"Ah, you guys are really useless. Attacking just one animagus is not good enough. Do you want me to report to Jagro's boss so he can punish you?"