106. Victoria's Anger

"So, that's why you can see all of us?" Ruga asked Raymond.

"Yes, that's right," replied Raymond. "I can see all of you. I don't regret it. I'm happy to have adventures with all of you and even become an important part of you."

Victoria smiled. "Thank you, Ray."

"I should be the one thanking you," Raymond said with a big smile.

After breakfast, Ruga took them all to meet Master Ferlat. Everyone living around Ruga's house looked at Victoria, Baron, Doru, Kahori, and Raymond with curious faces.

Victoria felt like a strange person. They were about to meet the leader of Vugeland, or perhaps more accurately, they were like fugitives.

Only Raymond was the most excited of them all. Doru was still wearing a wary face while looking cynically to his left and right.