117. The Traitor

After many experiments, he finally managed to find a potion to neutralize the scent of the blood of the dead animagus. It took tens of hours to extract the core from the Purpuracum flower stem.

Thanks to his patience and intelligence, he managed to make the best potion for Master Jagro. He immediately sent it through the magic basin that he had given a special spell. All he had to do was put the potion bottle in there and sent it straight to Gargoland.

Too bad he couldn't send humans through the basin. He wouldn't have bothered to make a special potion to open Kumar's portal if that were to happen.

Portals in the Forbidden Forest cannot open to receive people from other worlds. The portal is only one way.

"I hope you bring good news this time, Muv," said Master Jagro.

Muv tried to smile, but what Jagro saw was a horrible, rotten grin.