121. Meet King Valo

Rabyon sobbed in his chest. "Teba, you are a bad guy. I'm mad at you!" She thumped Teba's chest, but Teba rubbed her back gently.

"I'm sorry, Rabyon. How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?"

Finally, Rabyon hugged his waist while sobbing. "I always miss you every night, Teba. Not a day has I forgotten you."

Teba felt like an iron fist was squeezing his chest. A warm feeling enveloped his heart. He really felt unworthy to receive Rabyon's kindness.

However, he will not hold back his feelings for Rabyon. Teba must confess his love for Rabyon before he can carry out his mission.

Teba let go of his embrace and then grabbed Rabyon's chin. He tilted his face to kiss Rabyon's lips.

He kissed Rabyon's lips gently, pouring out all the feelings in his heart about how he loved and missed Rabyon. There was no feeling in this world that was greater than his love for Rabyon.