128. Emporion VS Vugeland

Vugeland always looked beautiful, just like the last time he set foot here. The beach view is so beautiful. Unfortunately, Emporion Land does not have beaches as beautiful as Vugeland.

Valo walked gallantly towards Ferlat's palace. Long ago, he had fought against Vugeland, but at that time, their position tied. Valo came home empty-handed.

He was sure that they had received a letter from him. He could feel the fear of the Vugelanders in this place.

Several birds flew across the sky. They must be Ferlat's army.

Valo looked up at the sky and then let out a shot of smoke into the palace grounds. His troops were getting ready for war. He would destroy Vugeland if Ferlat did not give up Baron and Ruga.

Suddenly, the gate opened. The troops were getting ready to attack. Their right hands hold a sword, while their left hands hold a shield. At the top of the bridge is a troop with arrows pointing at Valo.