Chapter 47

Li Shaoze woke up to see the white ceiling of the hospital.

He blinked several times to get used to the light and looked around. His head was still throbbing with dull pain but at least it was better than before.

He slowly pulled himself up and was about to call for someone when the door opened from the outside. In came Liu Gang accompanied by Chen Ying whose face didn't show the trademark sternness anymore. Instead, it was marred with obvious worry.

The older woman was the first to glance over, and she was surprised to see him awake. She rushed to Li Shaoze's side of the bed, taking a once over from head to toe before asking if he was alright.

Liu Gang walked slowly and sat down in front of Li Shaoze. He placed his hand on the younger man's shoulder.

Li Shaoze could feel the subtlety in the air so his condition must be serious. He just had himself to blame because he ignored the signs and now it had come to this.

"Tell me," Li Shaoze was straightforward.