Chapter 49

Clang-! The cold metal surface crashed against the marble tiles on the floor.

Li Shaoze looked up to see the scissors no longer in his hand. Instead, it had dropped to the ground and made a loud clanging sound, the collision barring into his ear like thunder.

In front of him was Pei Qian, who had taken the scissors away and dropped it immediately like her hand had been scalded. Her eyes red.

She sniffled and asked, "Just now, you-"

She couldn't finish her sentence when she saw his black eyes that were blank. She seemed to realize what he was about to do. She then took a deep breath and exhaled. The palm where Li Shaoze had gripped the scissors was already red. There was a trace of blood due to his flesh being scratched.

He hadn't done anything yet, he just gripped the scissors hard and was deep in his thoughts. But he suddenly felt extremely guilty for no reason. He couldn't say that he wasn't about to do anything.