Rich Students and Trouble?

The next day began like any other. Joon-won followed his usual routine of getting ready and heading to the store for his shift. It was the last day of the week, and he looked forward to his day off tomorrow, though he couldn't relax completely due to the upcoming drama exam on Sunday.

Upon arriving at the store, he changed into his work clothes and took over from Eum Kyung, who still had half an hour left on his shift. As they managed the store together, Joon-won shared his thoughts on Eum Kyung's book based on what he had read so far. Eum Kyung listened intently, appreciating the feedback.

Their discussion was so engrossing that they didn't notice the customers trickling in until Gah Soo arrived and took over. Both men thanked her for stepping in. Eum Kyung, visibly relieved, headed to the back to change out of his uniform.

With the store now quieter, Joon-won and Gah Soo handled the remaining customers. When there was a lull, they sat on the chairs behind the counter, chatting about random topics. The calm was interrupted when Gim Da, their boss, entered the store. They greeted him politely, and he acknowledged them with a nod before heading to his office.

As the clock struck 10 AM, Gim Da reappeared, catching Joon-won and Gah Soo's attention. Just then, two students entered the store, drawing immediate action from Gim Da, who approached them with an unusual level of deference.

"Boss, we didn't think you'd be here," said the male student, who exuded an air of smugness that instantly put Joon-won on edge. The woman beside him, who radiated elegance, seemed disinterested as she glanced around the store.

"Of course, I'm here every day. I need to look after my business," Gim Da responded, his tone overly respectful. "It's good to see both of you."

The young man puffed out his chest, sneaking glances at the woman. She, however, walked away to browse the shelves, seemingly indifferent to his attention. The young man hurried after her, leaving Gim Da standing awkwardly.

As Gim Da exhaled in relief and followed them, Joon-won exchanged a puzzled look with Gah Soo. She leaned in and whispered, "I don't know who they are either. They come once a week, and the boss treats them with unusual respect. They must come from a wealthy background. I've seen the cars they drive—they're different every time, and even the cheapest one is out of my reach."

Joon-won nodded, piecing together the situation. It made sense that Gim Da, the owner of a modest supermarket in a large city, would show respect to wealthy patrons. The dynamic between the students and the boss intrigued him, but he decided to keep a low profile. The last thing he wanted was trouble, especially from people who gave off such ominous vibes.

Settling back into his chair, Joon-won watched Gah Soo move to the counter. The woman's eyes followed his movements, a curious smile playing on her lips. She turned to Gim Da and asked, "Boss Gim, who's the new employee? I didn't see him last time."

"Oh, young miss," Gim Da said, his voice dripping with politeness. "That's Kim Joon-won, a new hire from the beginning of the week. He also studies at the same university as you and young master."

The young woman nodded, her gaze lingering on Joon-won. "What a coincidence."

Joon-won felt the intensity of her stare and looked up, meeting her gaze with his usual deadpan expression. Her eyes sparkled with amusement as she chuckled softly and continued shopping. The young man noticed her interest and turned to Gim Da, his tone sharp. "What's his name, what year is he in, and what's his course?"

Gim Da hesitated, clearly uncomfortable. "His name is Kim Joon-won. He's a first-year student in the acting program."

"The first year? He must be in the regular batch then. Only poor kids end up there," the young man scoffed, his disdain palpable. The young woman, however, didn't react to his comment and resumed shopping with a serene smile.

Frustration flashed in the young man's eyes as he watched her. He shot a glare at Joon-won before trailing after her, his expression darkening.

Joon-won felt a surge of confusion mixed with irritation. He had deliberately tried to avoid this scenario—being noticed by the wrong people. The woman's attention and the young man's obvious jealousy were unwelcome. From their interactions, it was clear they could bring trouble his way. The dynamics of young, arrogant men and manipulative women were all too familiar, and he had no desire to get entangled in their schemes.