End Of Drama

Joon-won on the other side sighed as he heard her stutter and knew the stupid girl made another stupid mistake. Shaking his head, he continued, "Just don't do this kind of stuff again. It's too much to deal with. If you do something I asked you to not do again, the friendship is over. Got it?" 

Jung-hwa nodded even though she knew he couldn't see and said, "Yes, yes. I'm sorry. I forgot in the heat of the moment when I saw the huge banner. It was so cool to see you on a huge banner like that and I just whipped out my phone unconsciously and before I knew it, I already posted it." 

Joon-won sighed once again and said, "Alright then, go back to the dorms and prepare for your own drama. I need to take some rest now before the next run starts again." Before cutting the call.