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Hea-Jung's acting was really good. Joon-won only had a glimpse of it earlier in her rest room but now on the set as the cameras were rolling, she was even better. As she acted, it looked like she even fixed some of the issues he told her earlier, making it clearer. She had some real talent and wasn't a simple idiot like she seems to be.

After the scene finished, the director seemed to call her to have a talk, and even though he couldn't exactly hear what they were talking about, it didn't seem to be something bad as Hea-Jung had a victorious smile on her face. 

The director just nodded at the end and then said to everyone, "Alright, this scene is done and so let's go on to the next one on schedule. Come on, let's get done with this quickly." And Hea-Jung walked towards him. Joon-won could feel a few stares already as she reached him.