Ready... Action!!!!

Joon-won and Hea-Jung both gave a nod as the director continued, "Alright then, the scene starts off with the store owner behind the counter minding his own business as he watches some videos on his phone with earphones plugged in. He doesn't notice the police officer coming into the shop, calling out for him as he just says to get the goods she wants and come when she is ready. The police officer, who is young and fiery, slams the counter in anger. You guys with me?" He asks them again as they respond with a small nod.

"Following that she shows her badge and asks to take with him somewhere private. Then after they move behind the store into the owner's office. She then questions about the incident and if he caught a glimpse of what happened that night. Now the store owner who had really witnessed the kidnapping gets shaken up but tells him he didn't. Now, this is the base of the shoot today. Let's try to get this down in only a couple of takes? Got it?"