Meeting Them In The Flesh

Waking up at 6 in the morning, the first thing Joon-won did was send Yun-hee a message asking if they got onto the bus yet or not. It seemed like they were still getting on as it took her a while to reply and even sent a picture from her seat. Only after seeing her message did Joon-won start the day. 

He got into his exercise clothes and started jogging towards the gym. He still had the gym membership card and the gym was even nice enough to give him another 2 weeks since he missed the previous 2. The past 2 weeks, he didn't jog and only did some light exercise in the small hotel room he was given so it felt good for him to jog once again. 

It didn't take him long to reach the gym. As he went into the gym he noticed it was his train Dong Kun at the receptionist table instead of the usual person he saw. Dong Kun stood up as he saw him and gave him a huge hug.