New Role?

Sunday and Monday passed quickly as the family of three spent some peaceful time together. Min-Seok and Yun-hee went to watch the movie again, and Joon-won finally got the time to return a few texts he received congratulating him. He also talked with the dean, who congratulated him and wished him luck. Additionally, he spoke with Do Hwan, and it seemed like there might be a small role for him in a big movie. He asked him to meet him on Tuesday, and by then, he would know.

On Monday evening, they dropped off Yun-hee back at the university before the father and son made their way to the bus station where Min-Seok got on the bus. After some light talk, Joon-won returned home and picked up some fried chicken on the way for dinner.

"So, how did it feel? Watching yourself on the big screen? Did you cry?"