Puzzle Piece

"Yes, I sent his agency an invitation for the audition, he should be coming today. You know I trust your judgment right?"

[Hyung, I wouldn't have recommended him to you if he was not good? You should have watched 'Locked' to get some knowledge of him. He was very good in that movie, that was what made me get him. He made the filming process so easy, I loved working with him. Trust me you will love the kid during the audition.]

"Alright, I'll buy a drink if he manages to impress me and solves this huge headache I am having." 

[Then get your card ready hyung, cause he will solve your issues.] 

Ending the call, Kang Min-ho leaned back on his chair as he just felt really exhausted. He knew Ha Ji-won from long back as the kid worked under him as an AD before going on to work on his own and became successful. Both of them would talk over the phone and he called him a few days ago to ask how his new movie 'Shadows In The Mist' was going.